Chapter 13

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- I was not in a relationship with an American. An American raped me. She confessed, lowering her head, ashamed to admit it out loud to someone of the opposite sex, whom she had known for a short time, although she considered him a very good friend.

- Ari... I'm so sorry, I didn't know. You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. It's great that you can talk about it in front of me, in front of a man. You may not realize it, but what you've been through is huge, and you have the right to be unwell and not want to talk about it. But know that, I think Moretti has already told you because she is your best friend, I will be there for you, even if we haven't known each other for long. And I reassure you, I don't intend to abandon you, so you'll have to put up with me for a long time. His words warmed the heart of the Spanish who came to take him in his arms, and let some tears flow there. Aria detached herself from his arms before resuming.

- You know when I left, after Carlos's birthday, and I left you at his place? Lando nodded, I went to Washington for work and right before my meeting you called me, and I told you what my dad told me, so after my day was done, I decided to go clubbing. Aria paused for a moment, joined on the couch by her two friends who were next to her. I had been drinking, and dancing, when a guy, I don't know who he is but he started to stick to me, I tried to push him away but he didn't care, and the fear paralyzed me and I couldn't fight it anymore. My brain was screaming at me to run away and never come back, but my body wouldn't let me move. After he touched me in the middle of a dance floor, he took me to a nearby alley and tore off my clothes, before satisfying his needs and then dropping me to the ground and leaving me there. The next day I came back here, and after being locked up for a while, I noticed that I didn't have my period, even though it is never late. I went and bought five tests and they were all positive. The next week I went to have an abortion with Alba.

- When you called me, had you just had an abortion? asked the pilot, concerned by what he had just heard. The brunette just nodded. Oh, my Ari... How did you get through all this?

- Ask Alba. It's because of her that I'm better. Without her, I'd still be pregnant, eating nothing, getting sick and working out all day, she replied, laughing ironically.

- Non è una cosa da ridere*, reprimanded the blonde, pointing at her.

- Good, now we stop talking about that, and either we redo a Monopoly, or we prepare food, proposed the Spanish.

- We have an idea. Said Alba and Lando in chorus under the worried glance of Aria.

- No, no McDonalds.

- We had another idea.

- What?

- Why don't we invite your mysterious neighbor? suggested Alba, insisting with quotation marks with her hands.

- No. No way.

- But it's not fair. Why should you be allowed to have your best friend, and I shouldn't be allowed to have my best friend?

- Come on Aria, please. I want to meet him, the Italian girl begged.

- I'll ask him.

- Yeah! We did it! High five Norris!

- Wait a minute. One condition. I'll only accept it if you empty the dishwasher.

- But I don't know where the dishes go.

- Don't worry Norris, I know where everything is stored, the Italian said to him, to ensure the arrival of the Spanish. While we arrange, you can go to warn your neighbor?

Aria didn't answer anything and went towards the door of the pilot. She stopped in front of it for a moment, to prepare herself, as if she was getting ready to make a speech at the White House. She even thought about going home without ringing the bell. She gathered her courage and pressed the doorbell, and didn't wait long before the door opened, revealing her neighbor, out of breath, sweating, shirtless, hair in a mess. This sight disturbed the young woman who could not find the words.

- Are you okay? Asked the pilot, seeing that the engineer was not wearing clothes as large as the last time, and to see that she was not so pale warmed her heart which was already beating very fast, and which accelerated at his sight.

- Yes, yes, thank you. Um, would you like to come eat at my place? It's Lando and Alba, my best friend who insisted. She added hastily so as not to make any allusions.

- It would be with pleasure. I just finished my workout, so I'll just take a shower and be right over.

- Okay, great. Thanks. She said as she turned and headed home.

- Thanks for the invitation. Answered he before returning at home, and to head towards his bathroom.

The brunette returned at home and let herself fall on the sofa, before complaining of a pain at the level of her ribs, reminding her that she had to be examined, under the eyes of Lando and Alba, who stopped for a moment what they were doing before resuming the arrangement of the dishes. The dishwasher emptied and the table set, the trio began to prepare dinner, looking at what was in the Spanish woman's cupboards.

- We can make rice, with peppers and chicken.. Proposed the Englishman by arguing his choice: there are starchy foods, proteins, and vegetables.

- Let's do it, I don't want to think about it.

Alba emptied the peppers, Lando chopped them and Aria cut the chicken.. This was optimal, because when Carlos rang, they had already done half of it. The Italian, having the cleanest hands, went to open the door. The pilot crossed the main room to find Lando and Aria concentrating on cooking.

- Do you need help?

- We need to help cut the chicken. There are knives in the drawer on the right of the cooking plate. Pointed out the Englishman, who sounded like he lived here.

- The cutting boards are in the second drawer under the plate. Aria indicated to him, while Carlos washed his hands before putting himself beside her to help her to cut the chicken breasts, and then to put them to cook.

The evening went very well, accompanied by laughter, bullshit made by Lando and Alba under the eyes of Aria and Carlos who did not get tired of seeing them do anything. Aria realized that she was lucky to have them in her life. Without them, her life would be the same as it was before, dull, and only punctuated by her work. Although her work was still a very big part of her life, she had gradually managed to enjoy doing something other than work.


*We don't laugh about it.

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