Chapter 4

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White. A color, and an atmosphere. This atmosphere of death that reigned in the main room of the Spanish pilot's apartment. The sight of the young woman who had just entered this room, created a very present uneasiness among all the people here. All the pilots alternated their gaze between the two Spaniards, who stared into each other's eyes.

- Who is it? Whispered the Monegasque in his teammate's ear.

- She', my neighbor, he stammered, scratching the back of his head.

- Okay, fine. But why is there a blank?

- Because I didn't know she was coming.

- Lando, Daniel, can you explain? Asked the Williams pilot, like a father in front of his children who had just done something stupid.

- I'll let you do the talking, Lando, said the Australian driver, under the murderous gaze of the Englishman.

- So, Daniel and I had to knock on her door, because it was our turn to ring the bell. And I recognized her, when we saw her in the hall and I offered her to come, because she didn't have a toilet brush to lend us. She didn't want to, but we had a little

- A lot.

- Okay, a lot, insisted. She had to work, I don't understand how you can work after five o'clock, but that's another debate. And we managed to convince her, to make up for the fact that we don't have brushes. And, tada, there's Aria! He said, pointing to her with his arms, as if no one had seen him.

- This is me, Aria.

- Pleased to meet you, Pierre.

- Charles.

- George.

- Daniel.

- Lando.

- Carlos.

There was a new silence following the presentation of everyone's first names.

- Well, I'm going back to work. Pronounced the young woman while moving towards the door before the British blocked it.

- No way! You come and play with us.

- But Lando, I have work to do.

- It is the birthday of Carlos. The Frenchman pointed out.

- There, you can't leave. You'll blame yourself for the rest of your life.

- Okay, but not for long. Accepted the engineer before settling down in front of the Spanish and between Lando and Daniel.

It had been an hour since the actions and truths sprang from all sides, going from a simple question to a karaoke on the balcony. But also, an hour that alcohol was flowing in the veins of some. Despite the low consumption of all the pilots, not being used to drink, the inebriation appeared very quickly. Except for Aria, who had not drunk a single drop of alcohol.

- Action or truth Aria?

- She already made truth! pointed out the monégasque under the murderous glance of this one.

- Your action is to kiss the one of your choice.

- Out of question.

- Well, why?

- Because first of all, you're all drunk or about to be, and secondly, I don't know which ones are in a relationship, and it's out of the question that I break up couples.

- You're not funny, Aria. growled the British guy.

- But at least I'm sober.

- But we're sober. Affirmed Peter.

- Nonsense. Write on your phone "My name is Lando and I'm drunk". The pilot took his phone in hand and wrote down what his neighbor had asked him to, and handed him his phone.

- So, you wrote "I'm Lendau and I'm drunk". You even made a mistake in your first name. You're drunk Lando.

- Nonsense, you're talking nonsense.

- Get up and walk Lando. The British man got up and no sooner had he started walking than he ran into his Monegasque friend.

- Maybe I'm a little drunk.

- He has to go to sleep. said the French pilot. Does he have a hotel room or an apartment?

- There are already four of you sleeping at my place. Puede dormir en tu casa? *

- Pero estas loco ! Lo conozco desde hace una hora. ¡ No dejaré que un extraño duerma en mi casa ! **

- Do you understand what they're saying? George whispered to Pierre.

- I'm French, not Spanish.

- ¿No le vas a dejar dormir en el sofá con Daniel ? Por favor. ***. Lando says "Por favor."

- Por favor. Says the British with a smile of labrador.

- Okay, Lando you can sleep at my place.

- Gracias Aria!

- Come on, to bed Lando. Let's go. Aria tried to catch him, but she did not succeed and he fell back instantly.

- I will help you. Answered his neighbor of stage while catching his friend and while moving towards the door.

The two Spaniards left the apartment and entered that of the engineer. Aria guided Carlos to her sofa to put down the Englishman.

- Lay him down and I'll get him a blanket.

- He wants a stuffed animal. Carlos said to her, while crossing the arms, while leaning on the frame of the door of the room of the brunette.

- A tiger it will go to him you think?

- Yes, it is pretty your room. He says by observing attentively his room.

- Thank you. Answered she by blushing slightly and by putting back one of her locks of hair behind her ear.

The two Spanish returned in the living room where they found the British asleep, under the cover of the Spanish. Aria placed the stuffed tiger in his arms, which he hugged in an instant. The engineer brought back the pilot to his entrance, who turned over to her by scrutinizing her, notably her cerulean blue eyes.

- You looked beautiful in your golden dress earlier.

- Thank you. Answered she by blushing in front of this compliment which disturbed her.

- You have beautiful eyes, you know. Said he before leaving towards his apartment and to throw him a discrete glance by closing his front door.

Aria smiled subtly after her neighbor left, before leaving towards her living room where she found Lando, sleeping peacefully, forgetting all his problems, she said to herself. She dreamed to be able to sleep like him, so calmly. In the neighboring apartment, the night passed smoothly for all, helped by the liquor consumed during the evening.


** Can he sleep at your place?

** But you're crazy! I've known him for an hour. I'm not gonna let a stranger sleep in my house!

***I'm not gonna let him sleep on the couch with Daniel! Please?

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