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"Yeah what's up." I said being all salty and shit.

"Well look I miss us being freinds, and I'm sorry." She said making that voice she does when she mean it.

It take me only about 3 or 5 seconds to tell her I'm sorry to and gave her a hug so she know I'm not just faking with her about stuff. So we talk and it does feel like old times but not when I don't like her. She even told that when I didn't like her that she was trying to talk to me but stopped cause she said "wait I can't cause we're not freinds." That tore me up cause I thought she was all happy we weren't freinds, but me over thinking that nobody wants me and nobody cares she really does. Even though I made it seem like she didn't she did.

This quote right here made a difference in our friendship. Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest. It's about who walked into your life, said I'm here for you and proved it.

#Love #LoveQuotes #Friendship #Life

She came in my life and proved that she was my friend even though I pushed her away, suprising she came running to me wanting to be my freind.

So peeps out there if you got a friend don't push them away cause there are serant people who care about you, then the other people are right behind you no matter what you do to push. So what I'm saying is don't push someone that wants to be there for you, I'm lucky she gave me a chance and be my friend again cause I know she has to be tired of it by now. Haha haha keep friends peeps. Peace.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2015 ⏰

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