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Naw I don't hate Marilia but at some point I would like to put my fist in her face. Sometimes I get this feeling like what I'm doing is wrong but at the same time I don't think I did anything wrong just having a wall to prevent myself from beating the shit out of her is nothing wrong. But it's like maybe it was me in this friendship that fucked up everything. Yes I'll admit that I did some things in the friendship that caused us to not be freinds so I'm not putting it all on her. But she does need to understand that if she going to be freinds with be she has to be able to understand where I'm coming from when it comes to things I do.

Like when we first met we didn't like each other then later we became good freinds we both had the same future goals;like become writers, dancers, singers. We were like the bomb of friendship but then it was me that fucked things up because I was letting anger go out on her when I knew it wasn't fair;at least the first time. Second time was on her she thought just because we freinds that she can do whatever she wants to do when it comes to me and ideas.

Anyway I just thought of something when we were freinds I wanted to run away from home and live with my dad cause home was hell to me at first. Then I would always go to Marilia for answers of what should I do, and what she does is give me a huge plan about me taking some bus or something an making sure I have food and stuff and then boom dad's house. To be honest it's not that easy when you really think about. But I thought if you were with your best freind and they wanted to run away isn't that when you should convince them that you would want them to stay so the friendship wouldn't die.

But nah this girl was really planning for me to go and didn't say anything about calling her and telling her everything is good. Nah she just said the plan for me to leave. It was like she didn't even want me to be her friend.

"Tasha. Can I talk to you? "That voice sounds familiar. So I turn around and guest who it is Marilia.

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