Chapter 1

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Walking down the streets of LA, iced coffee in hand, and my phone on the other. The breeze was kind of nippy as it was now November. I put my phone in the pocket of my hoodie, keeping my hand there. Stupid me for getting an iced coffee when it's a bit chilly outside.

I kept on walking, feeling a few people staring and whispering about me. I just plastered a smirk on my face, keeping my head high, not really minding whatever they were whispering about. I soon spotted the familiar building, the entrance surrounded by a few people. I guess he already arrived. I saw that the security guards blocked some of the people from crowding him. I walked faster, trying to catch up with him, succeeding in the process.

"Y/N!" Zayn greeted me with a side hug. I hugged him back then we both entered the warm building, away from the prying eyes of the paparazzi and some fans who wanted to take a picture with my good old friend.

"Thought you were already in the studio, I could've picked you up from your condo." Zayn said as we entered the elevator with his bodyguard in tow.

"I was, I decided to make a quick coffee run." I replied before taking a sip of my iced coffee. Zayn just hummed as he rested his head on the walls of the elevator. We enjoyed the silence, probably since we're both tired.

You see, I work as a songwriter and I have collaborated with a lot of artists for the past 4 years. Zayn here has been my friend since we were in diapers. Given that we are second cousins since his mom and my dad are cousins. We have been there for each other for most of our childhood. Minus the part when Zayn had to leave for his band and I had to move to Colorado when my mom and dad divorced. My dad decided to stay in Bradford since he was running some family business there and my mom decided to move back to her hometown when I was 12. I had to start a new life in a new place. I had no friends but luckily I have a sibling to keep me company when my mom was going through her worst point in her life. Well, I had a sibling.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when the elevator doors opened. I walked out with Zayn into the very familiar studio that I now call my second home. I said hello to some of the crew that were hanging out in the lounge before heading into the room that had my instruments. I have always been fascinated with music ever since I was young, Zayn and I used to sing when we were little whenever there were family gatherings during the holidays. When I moved to the other side of the world, my mom and my sister were the only people I sang to. That energetic kid who would never get tired of performing became a quiet and reserved kid.

"So what do you think about this, Y/N/N?" Zayn handed me his notebook where he wrote any lyric ideas that he comes up with. I took the notebook from him then scanned his lyrics. I took my place behind the piano, playing with different notes, singing his lyrics to the tune I created.

This is how a day in my life goes. Several artists would contact me and ask for my ideas. I don't sing nor record my own songs, I just write them for others or help other singers bring their ideas to life. I just don't sing anymore. Well, in public that is.

"That actually sounds pretty good. I hope I can release this on my birthday, only a few months now." Zayn smiled at me before taking his notebook back, probably having another idea on that creative mind of his.

"You planning on going home for the holidays?" Zayn asked, still looking down at his notebook as he continued to write lyrics for his album.

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