"So, what? I just stay here and wait for it to kill me?" that thing roared again, even louder than before.

My ears were pinned against my skull and my jaw clenched. I'm gonna die.

"Just hold your ground"

God, I know I've never really believed in you but if you are up there, please save me.

I know that wasn't gonna help, but at this point I wanted to use all the resources I had left.

That thing didn't back down and charged at me, so, on the verge of death I decided to do something stupid and run towards it while I hissed at it in a threatening way. To my surprise, it seemed to work because it came to a halt and turned around, walking back to the rest of the herd.

I widened my eyes. I couldn't believe that I had survived that by just hissing. I took a step back and let out a deep sigh of relief.

"Fucking hell, I almost shit on my pants" I put my hand to my forehead and let out a nervous laugh because I'm still shaken with fear. I started to laugh to keep from crying, but that laugh gradually faded when I realized that neither Grace nor Norm had said anything.

I turned in their direction only to see them wide-eyed looking at a point behind me. Suddenly, I was conscious of a breathing at my back and with my ears pinned back once again, I slowly turned around to come face to face with a scary as fuck looking creature that opened it's jaws at me.

It leaped on me and I had to turn around immediately, I couldn't turn my back on it. The creature is huge, but not as big as that rhino/hammerhead. With skin black as coal, eyes yellow as the sun, enormous fangs, and claws sharper than a knife.

It's a fucking Thanator, the deadliest creature in the forest. And on top of that, it was looking at me with hungry eyes.

Immediately, I pointed my gun at it, hoping it's enough to scare it.

"So carrots" I started in the most calming voice I could muster at the moment, even though that it was a whisper "What about this lil'buddy?"

"Run, definitely run!" She instructed me scared and as if on cue, that thing walked closer.

"Shit" I turned around and ran as fast as these legs allow me.

I was running through the jungle trying to save my ass from that huge predator, luckily for me, I'm succeeding.

I came to an area where there is a huge tree, it's shallow roots giving me a temporary hiding place from the Thanator. Without thinking much about it, I slid along the ground until I was moderately protected by the roots. The thanator began to bite and break the roots, and I knew I had to keep moving. I also started shooting at him and although the bullets didn't do anything to him, at least they serve as a distraction. That is until it ripped the gun from my hands and snapped it in half with it's jaws.

With the Thanator a little confused, I crawled out of the roots on the other side and kept running at all that this body could give, but it managed to catch me between it's jaws by the bag with supplies. As I was tossed back and forth like some ragdoll, I knew I had to find a way to get rid of the bag, so I released the strap that held it to my back and slid off it, freeing myself. I stumbled when I landed and rolled down the small hill, but still got up and kept running.

Nearby, I heard the sound of falling water and to my luck, it is a waterfall. Without thinking twice, I jumped off the cliff and arranged my body to fall correctly into the water to avoid getting hurt. The current dragged me with force, but I was able to overcome it and swim to the surface, where I held onto a thick branch to prevent the current from dragging me away. Out of immediate danger, I was finally able to breathe correctly and calmly.

I looked up and the Thanator was looking at me even angrier than before, although I'm relieved to know that it doesn't swim and that I'm out of reach.

With some effort, I kicked myself up and landed facedown on the wet grass at the edge. I allowed myself to stay in that position for a few seconds to calm my erratic heart and then I decided to stand up using my arms as a push.

"Fuck" I groaned when I felt a tug on my right shoulder.

Standing up, I tried to turn my head as much as I could and I didn't like what I saw. The damned Thanator had struck me with it's claws and pierced my skin.  The wound made by it's claws extends from my right shoulder to the bottom of my back diagonally, inches above my tail. I hadn't felt it because of the adrenaline but now that the danger had passed, I could feel the burning and the blood trickling down my back.

Without the backpack with the supplies, I have no bandages with which to wrap my wound, so I had to use my creativity and the little I carry with me.

I took off my pants leaving me in my white top and underwear. With the knife I carried, I sliced ​​through one of the boots at my thigh height. I put my pants back on, leaving my left leg uncovered. I ripped the cloth halfway open and as best I could, I wrapped the wound and applied pressure, groaning at the pain.

With that "resolved", I tried to communicate through the microphone around my neck, only to discover that it had been damaged in one of the falls, leaving me incommunicated with Grace. I considered the possibility of going back, but I don't know the way back, I'm also very far away and if I go back, that Thanator might be in the area.

No means of communication, no supplies. Just a knife, matches, and my survival skills. The best thing would be to keep moving and seek shelter for the night. If I stay here, I'm susceptible to predators so I continued on my way and further into the dangerous and unpredictable forest of Pandora.



I know it's not Friday, but I wanted to publish a chapter today just in case I'm not able to do it tomorrow.

So here you go. Aquila has gotten herself into trouble by running away, hope she survives.

Besos y abrazos.

See ya next Friday.

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