I have to get Bjorn's dinner clothes layed out. How did I let myself get so distracted?

"Where are you going?" Prince Loki asks. I had completely forgotten he was there, and I don't even know how. He was mere feet from me.

"I have to go. I have more chores to attend to. I'm sorry." I say, turning back.

"Well, then I suppose you should get going." He says, turning back to his book.

I curtsey and leave, having forgotten my book on the couch arm. I'll have to come back before I sleep to put it back.


Going back to Bjorn's corders takes some time, and when I finally do arrive, he is sitting on his bed, scowling.

"Where the hell have you been?" He roars, standing.

"I'm so so sorry your excellency. I lost track of time and-"

"Lost track of time? It's your job, as my maid to keep track of time!" He stalks towards me, and I take a step back, fearful of what his anger might cause him to do.

"I'm sorry." I whisper, looking towards the ground.

"Sorry doesn't cut it. This is the third time in three months. Do you want to get fired?"

"No, I don't. I'm sorry. It won't happen again. I promise."

"Well," He says, now just arms length away from me. "I'm going to make sure of that."

⚠️⚠️beep beep trigger warning! Abuse and SH! Feel free to scroll down to skip! ⚠️⚠️

A sharp pain stings through my cheek and I fall, my hand moving to my face, a ringing in my ear starts, and my face is hot.

Did he just.. hit me?

"Now, stand up, and go get my clothes." He says, walking to his bathroom, and starting a shower.

I sit for a moment, trying to regain my thoughts, the stinging in my cheek stretches through to my neck and ear. He hit me. He hit me hard.

My ear won't stop ringing, and I cant hear anything from my left. My vision blurs as tears well in my eyes. I can't believe he hit me. I've never been hit before.

I muster my strength and stand, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand, and going to his closet. I pull out his dinner clothes, fold them and lay them on the bed, then I look around me, seeing what needs to be cleaned. I notice a broken vase of roses, with glass shrewn over the hard floor. I grab a sweep and bin, and kneel down, picking up the larger pieces delicately in my hands. The sharp corners of the glass dig into my skin, creating small cuts, I slowly squeeze the glass into my palms, pushing it farther into my skin. It hurts, but it's controlled, and it feels different then the pain caused by Bjorn. Sharp and warm, not stinging and hot.

Blood slowly stains the glass in my hands, pooling in my palm, and slowly dripping to the floor, splating the white glass with crimson red. Pretty.

I realize Bjorn is about to come out of the shower so I quickly shove the glass into the bin, and sweep up the rest. Holding the broom hurts, a lot, and only then to I realize what I've done.

The glass is gone, but the blood still sits on the marbled floor, and I look down at my hands, seeping warm dark crimson. The cuts are deep, not deep enough for stiches, but, it's going to take awhile to heal.

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