3. Unexpected Guest

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Raspberry's pov

I walk into a room where I was supposed to work at, I could see boss was sitting there.
"Sorry I was late boss! There was traffic."
"That's alright just take care of him, tell me when he wakes up."

Boss left the room and I started to run tests, his heart rate was fine which was good but something was odd.I took his blood and tested it. Then I realized something was wrong with his brain. I ran a few test and found out he had a tumor.

Timeskip: after tumor removal

Still raspberry's pov

2 freaking hours pasted that took a long time. As I soon as I finished he was moving. He was awake. I told boss and he came.

Pov change

Darks pov

I could see a woman and a man standing in front of me. It looked like the man from my dreams, but I still don't remember them even up close. The woman left the room and I could barely speak but I uttered a few words.

"W-Who are y-you?..". The man replied with a smile then said, "I'm your older brother!" We didn't look the same at all, that made me confused. I gave a light smile back. I could see I was in a hospital gown.

I asked him, " Who am I?" His smile faded and said "You are Dark. That is your name." "Okay.." he helped me down and I could barely even walk. He gave me a piggy back ride we went to another room before hearing a alarm go off.

Pov change

Victim's pov

The alarm went off so that means either chosen or the other dude broke out...  I checked just to see the dude fighting my agents.I put dark into a seat and then walked up to this person. I stared at him before throwing him across the room.

Here we go again.

Pov change again

Darks pov AGAIN

Brother set me onto a chair and I sat down watching as this commotion happened. I could see an orange figure fighting brother, I tried to walk other but I failed miserably and fell face flat. Brother stopped and came over to me to help me up. I could see the orange figure confused very.

He told me to stay in the chair while he was doing some business. I stayed put and watched this I am confused like that orange person.


Omg finally it's like almost 11:50pm and I can sleep now

Have a good day, noon, afternoon, evening or night
Freya out peace

Word count: 436 words

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