2. The tables have turned

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Timeline: Ava s2 ep1

I meet with the agents.
The capture was a success. Yet I never expected for an another "visitor".

I walk into a room. I smile as I watch [REDACTED] on the hospital bed, everything was going well. I grabbed a needle and injected it into [REDACTED].

Pov change

Darks pov

I couldn't see anything, I could hear a door opening and metal. Yet I saw nothing. I felt tired, but something was happening. I can't remember anything... Who am I? Who is that person?...

Then I saw something. A vision. I couldn't see their face. All I could see is that they injected.. Injected... injected what?....
(Oh no dark lost memories of everything)

Pov change

Chosens pov

I was in a white box. I couldn't move really, well I was basically frozen in place... I could see a part of a glass window. I could see second, why didn't he use any of his powers?

This is my fault. I felt like I should've brought Alan, but how was I gonna do that? Yellow would have to use his computer. This gives me flashbacks.
I don't want to remember it.

I could see second in the corner, I felt he was scared.. like... he was..

Pov change

Seconds pov (omg so many povs lol)

I could see chosen in the box. He couldn't move but I knew he was still awake cause I could see him moving his eyes and blinking. (Yes they can blink)

I stared at the supposed window and I could see someone, not someone, some people, I could barely see from far away but I knew that was yellow and the rest of the group, including Alan.

Pov change (OMG)
Yellows pov

I still had my staff from king, I spawned tnt and a flint&steel, I gave it to green cause I can't trust red and blue with the flint&steel...

Alan was carrying us to the building and then I saw second, he was peaking thru the window. I signaled to light the tnt, then I signaled second to back up. I threw the tnt and it blew up the jail cell. Alan put us down where second is and we hugged him.

He hugged us back. And I heard the alarm go off so there was no time, we had to rescue chosen aswell I mean he did save us from that spider thingy, or "vira bot" as it's called.


Finally I'm done writing

Ty for reading

Word count: 424 words

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