0. Prologue / A/N

339 9 5

Timeline: ava III

Darks pov

Just as I was created I saw what looked to be like a grayish stickfigure. I watched as a command is typed and imported to me. "Mission. The_Dark_ Lord = Destroy (The Chosen One) :" suddenly I could feel myself trying to move to the supposed "Chosen One" as soon as I walked up to him, I attacked him.

I don't know what I was doing... it seemed like I was coded to destroy this person or stick.

I couldn't control my body. Apparently I had some type of powers. Flames, Fire charge(?), Lazers(?).

Yet I was still weaker then this chosen one. I felt scared, anxious and tired. My creator was playing solitaire for some reason. (It's either my creator is dumb or bored. Not anything else).

I was cornered. I was scared. I didn't want to die. I uttered 4 words before he could kill me.


He looked confused. Very. He replied with a smile and said "I won't kill you." He knew I was scared. He lent out his hand and I took it.

Something happened.

I felt more... powerful. And I didn't have the command to "destroy him" anymore.


My sweet boy 🥰
Too bad he died though...

Anyways, yk what happened next they teamed up, crashed Alan's pc and yadadada.

Ah the sweet smell of "friendship"

Word count: 231 words

Actually no imma say smth real quick chosen is 5 years older than dark

Current time
Chosen: 16
Dark: 11

So no damn ships ok?

Word Count: 260 words.

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