18. Declaration

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Night had fallen by the time the knights reached Elyria's gates. Lily saw their torches heading toward the entrance to the castle, unable to make out anything but their uniforms. She frowned, unaware the king had sent out any men. She usually knew because Sylvia would always tell her. She finished dusting the window and turned around. Sylvia was sitting in the middle of her bed, with her feet up, The Cantamen open in front of her. She had her nose buried in it, just as she had ever since Lily had been cleaning, studying each and every page.

"I didn't know your father sent the knights out."

Sylvia looked up, a frown creasing her forehead. "He didn't. Not for anything I know of anyway."

Lily pointed out the window. "They just got back." She turned and looked out again. There was something she hadn't noticed before. "And it looks like they have a prisoner."

Sylvia's eyes widened and she hurried off the bed and over to the window. She could hardly make the person out, but it was clear he or she was in chains. The guards were leading them up to the castle. "Lily, I didn't know anything about this. I wonder who it is."

"I don't know, but they're being awfully rough with whoever it is."

"I noticed." Sylvia sighed. "I have to see who it is." She hurried toward the door."I should come with you."

"No. You should stay here and put the book away."

Lily frowned. "But-"

"Don't worry," Sylvia told her. "I'll tell you everything as soon as I get back."

She smiled and nodded, deciding it would probably be better if she stayed behind. "Okay. I'll see you then."

As soon as Sylvia was out the door, Lily rushed over to the bed and closed the book. She put it back into its secret hiding place and then continued her nightly cleaning. Since she hadn't been there much during the day, because of their walk, she had a lot to catch up on. Maybe by the time she finished, Sylvia would be back, and she would find out the identity of the prisoner. The suspense was killing her.


Ben was on the heels of the knights, frustrated and angry. "This is preposterous! Will one of you please tell me what is going on?"

"We can't. By order of the king," one of them answered. The man sounded like a drone.

Ben sighed in frustration.

"It's all right, Ben," Calum told him. "They can't hurt me, and neither can Merrick. Not really."

The knight's grip on the chains tightened and he pulled him roughly.

"Cut it out!" Ben demanded. "He hasn't done anything."

"We have our orders."

"It doesn't give you the right to treat him like this!"

The knight ignored him. They finally made it to the throne room. Merrick was waiting on them when they burst through the doors. They brought Calum forward and threw him to the floor without mercy. He landed on the floor with a thud.

"Careful!" Ben shouted, making his way to the front of the room. He spotted Jonah standing to the side, fear in his eyes, and wondered what was going on here. He bent down by Calum's side. "Are you alright?"

Calum looked up at him, wincing. The chains were cutting off his circulation and his whole body ached from the journey back. "I've seen better days."

"I don't know what's going on, but I will get to the bottom of this. I promise." Ben fingered the vial Matilda had given him. He wanted to drink it immediately and use the magic on Merrick, but he thought it best he didn't hinder the situation. He patted Calum on the back and rose. His eyes met Merrick's. He was sitting upon the throne, gazing hatefully at Calum. 

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