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3d person pov: 

The wedding took place three months of planning later. 

Everyone was very exited to hear the news of their engagement, especially the Emerald Entrails, who offered to help with planning.

Even Steve was thrilled, and congratulated the couple before offering to officiate the wedding. The two accepted the offer. 

Hunter asked Gus to be his best man and Edric asked Jerbo to be his. Both of them were delighted. 

They ended up booking a beautiful outside venue surrounded by wildflowers. 

Everything was going wonderfully and the time till the wedding flew by. 

. .  . 

"Are you ready Hunter?" Eda asked, putting a hand on his shoulder. It was the day of the wedding. 

"I've never been more ready for anything Eda." Hunter replied, looking at himself one more time in the mirror. He was wearing a black suit dripping in golden jewelry, and a long black cape. 

Edric was waiting by the door for Hunter. He was in a white shirt with a corset and black pants. He was also wearing a lot of gold jewelry and held a rose and golden flower bouquet with green ferns around the edge. 

Hunter finished fixing his hair and walked outside with Eda and took Edrics hand. Eda climbed into the drivers seat of the covered carriage and drove the two of them to the venue where everyone was already gathered. 

"And you're sure you want my last name?" Hunter double checked. They had been discussing this for a while and Edric decided he wanted to be a Clawthorne. 

"Of course Im sure Hunter." Edric grinned. "Now lets go get married already!" 

Eda parked the carriage at the head of the aisle and went to her seat. Right on cue the music started and hooty began slithering down the aisle with his basket of rose petals, occasionally tossing them across the ground. (He was the flower girl) 

Edric and Hunter got out of the carriage together, walking down the aisle hand in hand as the music swelled. 

"They grow up so fast don't they Alador." Eda wiped away a tear. Alador nodded quietly. 

Edric hunter reached the end of the aisle and turned to face each other, still holding hands. 

The music quieted and it was time for them to say their vows. 

"Hunter." Edric started, moving a little closer to him. "You are everything to me. There is a human saying "I love you to the moon and back"  and as lovely as it is it cannot encompass my love for you. I love you to the sun and back, I love you to the end of the galaxy, I love you to the end of all galaxies. I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with you." 

"Edric." Hunter grinned, tears blurring his vision. "Your existence brightens my day more then the sun ever could. You are the reason love exists. I want nothing more then to make you happy every day for the rest of out lives." 

"Edric Blight, do you take Hunter Clawthorne to be your beloved husband? Do you promise to be by his side though joy and through pain?" 

"I do." Edric nodded. 

"Hunter Clawthorne, do you take Edric Blight to be your beloved husband? Do you promise to be by his side though joy and through pain?" 

"I do!" Hunter replied. 

Steve nodded, allowing Edric and Hunter to exchange golden wedding rings. 

"I declare you husbands." Steve paused for dramatic effect. "You may kiss." 

Edric and Hunter kissed and the music started up again. 

"Everyone please make your way to reception!" Steve announced when the kiss was over. "Food and cake will be served! Then get your dancing shoes on, because Gus here is the best DJ on the boiling isles!!" 

. . . 

The reception was a party say the least. 

Once everyone had eaten the music turned up and the crowd gathered on the dance floor. 

Thoroughly showered in congratulations the newlyweds spun around the dance floor with friends and family dancing around them. 

Edric grinned, twirling closer to his husband. “I never even dreamed of having a life like this before I met you.” 

“Neither did I.” Hunter smiled, taking Hunters hands. “Thank you.” 

The End 


Thank you so much for reading!!!!

I love you guys!!!

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