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Edrics pov:

It was Friday, but due to my mischevious ploy (calling in sick) I did not have to work.

After Hunter was gone that morning I set the plan into action.

Step one: Freak out.

I spent the next few hours anxiously pacing the house, making sure I had everything in order.

Step two: Put up decorations.

This step was pretty simple. All I had to do was set up the table outside. whip up some illusion candles and glitter, then pull up two chairs.

Step three: Bake.

I spent the next three hours making pizza from scratch.

It was a bit harder than I expected (I almost cried) But two excessivly large pizzas were eventally produced.

Step four: Freak out again.

What if I tripped over my words? What if I dropped the ring? What if he hates the food? Or the lighting? Or me?

I pulled out my scroll again.

"What is it this time edric?" Emira said.

"Im gonna propose."


"Im freaking out right now." I said, running my fingers through my hair.

"Its gonna be ok." Emria sighed. "Just trust me on this."

"You sure Emria?"

"Im sure."

She hung up.

I sighed, sinking back into the couch.

Only a few hours until Hunter would be home.

Only a few more hours until I was going to propose.


Sorry fot the shorter chapter yall- hope you enjoyed :)

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