Chapter 8

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The next morning Ally sat in the living room with Mason and her mother. No one spoke, Mason had told their parents about the events that happened the night prior.. to say that they were worried would be an understatement.

"So are you excited to find out the gender of the baby?" Carrie asked her daughter who was staring at the wall in thought.

"Yeah" she replied as she went back to thinking about what would happen between her and Paul. Does this mean they have to be in a relationship? Ally wasn't opposed to it in the slightest, however she wanted Paul to work for it. Just because some magical spirits told them they were soulmates doesn't mean that he shouldn't go through the whole courting thing.

"Paul's here" Mason said standing up and making his way to the door.

"I would ask how you know that but now I know that you have crazy good hearing.. not fair" Ally said. She wished she was graced with being able to phase, like Leah who has been around since Mason came back.

Paul walked into the home with his hand in his pockets. He didn't sleep much the night before, thoughts of Ally and what they could possibly be kept him tossing and turning in his bed for majority of the night.

You look nice today" Paul complimented as he took in her appearance. She wore a dress, something you rarely ever saw the girl in.

"Does that mean I look ugly every other day?" Ally asked causing the male to stutter "I'm joking Paul, thank you for the compliment" Ally giggled as she grabbed her purse. "Let's go"

Paul nodded following her out of the house before racing to his truck and opening the door for her. "Ahh what a gentleman" she said with a small smile before getting into the truck, Paul closing it once she was safely inside.

Paul began the drive to forks, the car ride was quiet and awkward. Neither of them knowing what to say to the other.

"So" Paul began as he looked over at her. She stared out the window as the trees blurred into shades of green as they drove down the road.

"So" Ally said turning to him. He sucked in a breath as her eyes met his. The feeling of butterflies erupted in his body as he drank in her beautiful brown eyes.

"Mason said your morning sickness went away" Paul said as he remembered the male coming over early in the morning to talk about his little sister.

"Yeah but now my back hurts and soon my feet might swell so that's great" Ally laughed as they made their way through the small town.

"Sounds like it" Paul chuckled as they pulled into the parking lot of the small local doctors office. He quickly ran around the truck and opened the car door as Ally made her way out of the lifted vehicle.

"Who would have thought getting out was harder than getting in" Ally said as she finally reached her feet to the pavement.

"Yeah sorry, I can take the lift off if you want?" Paul asked, he and Jake had bonded over their love for cars and had actually began adding different mods to Paul's older Tacoma.

"Nah it's okay, only four more months of me being a whale" Ally said as they made their way inside.

Paul was surprised to see one of the girls he had slept with a year ago in there with a very swollen stomach. Tracy looked up at him batting her lashes before noticing Ally.

"Hey Paul" Tracy said with a small wave.

Ally looked over, now uncomfortable as she knew who the girl was to him. "I'm just gonna go check in" she said before walking up to the desk.

"Hey Tracy,I see your..."

"Pregnant, the word is pregnant Paul" Tracy said before turning her gaze on Ally "I see you finally knocked someone up. Out of everyone Ally littlesea"

"Yeah.." Paul said awkward as Ally walked over to the seating across from Tracy causing Paul to follow her.

"So you guys are together?" Tracy asked



Paul looked at Ally with furrowed brows, they didn't discuss what they were but Paul assumed they would be together. They were soulmates after all.

"Ok.." tracy said looking between them "well if you ever get tired of your own kid, mine will need a dad"

Ally scoffed before shaking her head "yeah cause he totally wants to be with your slutty ass. You probably don't even know who your baby daddy is" Ally said causing Paul to stiffly a laugh.

"Ally littlesea" the nurse called with a smirk as she looked over Tracy's shocked face. She was the most difficult and rude patient she had and loved that she was getting put in her place.

"Well that's our cue, come on Paul I'm sure you want to see YOUR baby" Ally said grabbing Paul's hand and following the nurse down the hall.

The nurse directed them into a small room before directing Ally onto the examination table. Ally handed Paul her purse as she pulled up her dress.

Paul averted his eyes with a nervous cough causing Ally to laugh "it's fine Paul, you've seen me naked before."

She got onto the table as the nurse handed her a long piece of paper that was also laid down on the bed to tuck into her underwear to save it from the gel that was then placed on her stomach.

"Baby looks health, heart beats strong.." the nurse said as she stared at the screen before turning it to face the young parents.

Paul stared at the screen in awe, he watched as his child moved around causing the nurse to laugh "and very active" she commented causing Ally to sigh.

"Yup, wakes me up every morning by kicking my bladder" Ally said before looking to see Paul teary eyed with a soft smile on his face. She smiled before grabbing his hand and holding it tight.

"Well from what I see, you two have a very healthy baby boy. Congratulations"

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