No doubt there was someone in this place who isn't happy with us.

"Watch it!" I jerked back as a soldier walked past me in an AMP suit, his eyes glaring daggers at me for my carelessness.

I didn't say anything and just moved out of his way, waiting for an opening so I could continue my way to my destination.

The interior of the base was huge, although you should expect it when you take into consideration the number of personnel in here. Upon entering, I was greeted by scientists and the military walking from one side to the other like ants in an anthill. Everyone focused solely on their duties and nothing else.

I knew I was supposed to go to a some kind of boardroom to receive the "welcome to hell" speech, but I wasn't sure where that place was, so I was forced to ask.

Once there, I decided to stay at the entrance. Avoiding attracting attention for showing up later than necessary.

In front of me were a large group of scientists and soldiers sitting on metal benches listening attentively to a man in uniform, and judging from the posture of the soldiers behind him, it was someone of high rank and authority in the building.

"You are not in Kansas anymore. You're on Pandora, respect that fact every second of every day" I kept my arms crossed while listening carefully to his words "If there is a hell, you might wanna go there for some R&R after a tour on Pandora. Beyond that fence, every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his words. He might just be exaggerating to indulge fear in everyone here "We have a humanoid population called the Na'vi. They're fond of arrows dip in a neurotoxin that will stop your heart in one minute and they have bones reinforced with naturally occurring carbon fiber, which makes them very hard to kill" his eyes landed on me when he walked to the end of the line, where a man was seated.

I didn't evade eye contact, but kept quiet as he continued to speak.

"As head of security, it's my job to keep you alive. I will not succeed, not with all of you" he's so dramatic.

One thing I didn't miss from my time in the marines was the debriefs. Emma always thought it illogical for me to join the military. She said that I was too rebellious to follow orders, but when you try to survive in a world with no future and few options, you learn to control some traits of your personality, in my case: Rebelliousness and not liking being told what to do and when to do it. Something my parents really hated.

After an hour or so filled with instructions, the debrief ended and we were finally able to retire to our work or break areas. In my case, I decided to go to the laboratory to see the Avatar and find out what my job would be in this place.

I walked through the corridors at a relaxed pace, observing my surroundings with some curiosity, but also looking for signs or signals that would guide me to the laboratory, which until now has been difficult for me. It couldn't be that hard to find.

"Aquila!" I stopped and looked around with a frown.

I can swear I heard someone yell my name, but I didn't see anyone.

"Aquila!. You're Aquila, right? Emma's sister" a tall, thin, brown haired man appeared next to me. I looked him up and down. His nerdy appearance being what stands out the most among all his qualities.

"And you are?" I looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, waiting for an explanation as to why he knows who I am and who my sister is.

Or rather, was.

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