Chapter 2: A New Friend

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I got lost in his eyes. They were the most amazing shade of brown. I got taken out of my daydream by the mystery boy.

"Sorry" I said before looking up and seeing who it was"Brooklyn? Brooklyn Beckham?" I asked.

"Yes? and you are?" he asked

"Oh sorry, I'm Charlie" I got up

"Are you new here?" he asked me

"Yeah today's my first day, I just moved here from Canada." I told him

What are the odds that Brooklyn Beckham goes to my school and I bumped into him, literally.

"Where are you headed I'll help you find it." he asked. I handed him my schedule to look at.

"Oh I'm headed the same way, just follow me" he said handing me back my schedule.

I followed him through the hall. We passed class by class before finally ending up at the right room. He opened the door and I followed him inside.

"Mr. Beckham nice of you to return." the teacher said giving Brooklyn a dirty look.

"Sorry sir. I ran into a girl and she was lost so I helped her to class." Brooklyn stepped aside so that the teacher could see me.

"Hello miss we've been expecting you. What's your name?" He asked me

"Charlotte, Charlotte Greene" I answered

"Alright Miss Greene, you can sit in the back beside Mr. Beckham for now." he said

I took my seat beside Brooklyn and I could hear a bunch of people whispering "Who is she?" "Why is he with her?" and a more that I couldn't make out . Took out my binder to start writing the notes. The teacher was going on about something in math and not long after I sat down I zoned out and started doodling on the paper.

I was brought out of my daydream by the bell ringing. "Hey where is your next class? I'll help you find it." Brooklyn asked me as we walked out of class.

"Uhh science I think" I said pulling my schedule out of my bag. "but you don't  have to help me. I'm sure I'll find it" I told him

"It's no problem and you have next class with me and it looks like we have most classes together too. Here I'll show you the way. I just have to go to my locker first." he said handing me back the paper.

We walked down to his locker so that he could grab his binders. As we were walking I noticed that his locker was close to mine. Once we got to his locker he put this math stuff in his locker before grabbing his  science binder. He got his stuff and we went on our way to science.

"Maybe we can get together sometime and I can give you the notes so you can catch up on what you missed." he said as we were walking down the hall.

"Yeah that would be great." I answered

We walked into the classroom and went to the teacher first.

"Hi sir, we have a new student here." Brooklyn said when we got to the teacher's desk

"Yes hello miss I'm Mr. Cooper" the teacher said greeting me

"Hello sir, I'm Charlotte" I greeted him back

"Alright let me just find an empty seat" Mr. Cooper said taking out his seating chart

"There's an empty seat beside me" Brooklyn said

"Alright then, Charlotte take a seat next to Brooklyn" he said

We sat down in our seats and not long after the bell rang. I spent the first part of class actually listening to the teacher but somewhere during the class I just got bored and started doodling on my paper.

I was interrupted when a piece of paper landing in front of me. I looked around and noticed it was Brooklyn who put it there and he was giving me the look that said "read the paper" and went back to writing something in his book.

I opened the little note and it said "Hey want to get together sometime after school? -B"

I replied with "Yeah sure when? -C"

"I don't know. Just text me whenever (xxx) xxx-xxxx -B"

I put his number in my phone and I texted him so that he could have my number too. Not long after I put his number in my phone the final bell rang and it was finally the end of the day.

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