7.) avoid

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The next week, Ron and I continued to send each other glances during meals and throughout the day. Harry continued to sleep on the couch while I slipped out of Ginny's room every night.

It wasn't normally sex. Usually, Ron and I just talked about anything and everything. We talked about us, and the things we strived to be. I loved being with Ron, and he loved being with me.

Harry was still the only one to know. Sometimes I wondered why I was still a secret, but I tried not to let it bother me too much.

We were all sitting at the table, minus Arthur, for he was at work. We were waiting for breakfast to be served. Soon, pancakes, waffles, eggs, bacon, and sausage were laid out on plates on the table. Different juices were in jugs set on the table as well.

I got myself two waffles and some bacon. I poured myself some orange juice and saw Ron shoving food in his face. I smiled at him. How I didn't get the ick from him was a mystery to me. He was too adorable, I suppose.

Ron and I shared glances and goofy grins all throughout breakfast.

"What's up with you too," Fred joked.

"Can't take your eyes off each other," George added.

"You're not dating?" Ginny questioned. We both stayed silent.

"Are you?" Hermione gasped. I glanced at Ron. He looked mad.

"We're not dating," Ron said angrily. "We're not anything."

Ouch. That stung. I tried to brush it off because I know Ron didn't want to tell anyone yet, but Merlin, that hurt. For him to say we weren't anything when I was just moaning his name the other night made me feel like I was just a toy he was playing with. But I knew he didn't mean it like that. Did he?

I ignored the thoughts that kept appearing in my mind. I tried my best to forget about what Ron had said. But it still hurt.

That night, I didn't go to Ron's room. I stayed in my bed in Ginny's room. Ron probably didn't even care. He was probably already asleep, not a care in the world. Because he would never date me. He would keep me a secret forever. I guess this wasn't going to work out with Ron.

The next morning, Ron and I were the first two in the kitchen.

"Why didn't you come to my room last night?" He asked, his voice just below a whisper so Molly couldn't hear.

"I fell asleep," I whispered, shortly. He gave me a strange look then shrugged it off.

Soon, the rest of the lot came down for breakfast. There was the same sausage, eggs, waffles, and pancakes there that there were every morning, as well as the assortment of juices to pick from. I decided to just have a coffee, I couldn't take my mind off of what Ron had said yesterday. The thought of Ron not actually liking me made my stomach churn.

After everyone had finished their breakfast, Ginny, Hermione, and I went to the living room to study. I tried my best to avoid Ron at all costs. If he thought we were nothing, he didn't deserve my time. Plus, I didn't want people to get suspicious and have another outburst from him.

Soon enough, we got tired of studying, and Molly started on lunch. During lunch, I kept my gaze from Ron. I could feel his stares, trying to get my attention, but I never looked up from my plate. The lot of them were talking with each other so easily. Why couldn't Ron just tell people we were 'together' so we could be like everyone else? I just wanted to be normal.

But no. Nothing was ever normal. Not with Ron. Not with this summer. It was full of awkward tension and secrets. I hated it.

After lunch was over, I decided to take a shower while the rest of them played trash. As I took my clothes off, thoughts of nights with Ron flooded my brain. The thoughts saddened me, as I knew I wasn't going to be spending tonight with Ron.

As I was in the shower, I thought of different excuses I could tell Ron for not being in his room at night. I decided on 'Ginny and Hermione wanted to pull an all nighter.'

I thought about what Ron might do while he spends his nights alone. Does he sleep in peace knowing I'm not there, or does he stay awake thinking about me like how I think of him?

Many thoughts about Ron later, my shower was over. I got out and dried off. I grabbed the bra and tank top that I had earlier gotten from my trunk and put them on.

I then grabbed the underwear sweats I had sitting on the sink and put them on as well. I was nice and comfy and ready for bed.

Making my way to Ginny's room, I ran into Ron.

"Hey," he said, stopping me in the hall.

"Hi," I said, looking down at my feet.

"You coming to my room tonight?" He asked quietly.

"I don't know," I replied. "Hermione and Ginny are planning this all nighter."

"Oh," he said, clearly disappointed. I know Ron didn't mean what he said, and his disappointment showed me he still cared. Maybe I would go to his room tonight.

"I'll see if I can sneak out," I smiled at him.

"Okay," he perked up.

"See you later then," I said.

"Right, bye," he replied, sending me a goofy grin then walking away from me. I smiled as I watched him walk away. After he was out of sight, I went to Ginny's room.

I layed in bed, debating on whether or not to go to Ron's room tonight. It was late, and Ginny and Hermione would be up soon to go to sleep. Suddenly, I heard Fred and George walking outside the door to get to their room.

"There's no way you're not dating," one of the twins said.

"We aren't dating!" Ron exclaimed. "I don't like her at all," he said, disgust in his voice. Ouch. Again.

"Alright, mate, you don't like her," one of the twins said in defeat.

"Goodnight," Ron said, angrily. And with that, I heard Ron stomp away from the twins.

"Bet you five galleons they're together before August," one of them mumbled.

"Bet," the other said.

They were wrong. We would not be together. Ever. Ron would keep me a secret forever. Does he even actually like me? Or does he just like the idea of me?

Word count: 1117

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