6.) secret

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This chapter is kinda spicy so you can skip the spicy part if u want. I'll put ♡ where the spicy part starts and ends!

Suddenly, his hands touched mine. He interlocked his fingers with mine. He lowered his head to my ear, his lips grazing it ever so slightly. Chills spread throughout my body. I could feel his warm breath on my neck.

He removed his hands from mine and started tracing along my arms. Chills sent through my spine. Sparks shooting through every area he touched. His hands made their way to my waist. There he squeezed lightly, causing a soft sigh to escape my lips. I could feel his smirk on my ear.

"You know, I wasn't lying when I said I didn't want Ginny to steal you all summer," Ron growled. "Spending almost all your time with her isn't working. I want you one hundred percent of the time."

My face started to heat up at his comment. "Oh," was the only word I could think to say. Again. How could I respond to that?

"I want you all to myself," he whispered.

"Selfish," I muttered. He was now massaging my hips slowly, my hands around his neck.

"Don't call me selfish," he mumbled. "I hate sharing."

He started planting soft kisses on my neck. Butterflies swarmed in places I didn't know they could. He sucked an area on my neck, causing a sigh from me.

"I'll stop if you want me to," he said, still placing kisses all over my neck.

"Don't," my voice just below a whisper. I wanted him. I needed him. If he stopped, I think my body would die of hypothermia. Him being this close to me, touching me in places I never thought he would, made me so warm and had me feeling feelings I didn't know I could ever feel.

He pulled away from my neck and looked at me. One hand was holding onto my waist, and one was cupping my cheek. Our faces were centimeters apart. He closed the gap and placed his lips on mine.

Our lips were moving in sync. He moved his hand from my cheek to my waist again. His hands moving all along the sides of my body. I parted my lips slightly as his tongue collided with mine.

He grabbed my ass and picked me up, my legs straddling his waist. He took me to his bed and layed me down. He planted kisses all around my neck, sucking lightly, leaving love bites all over.

Whispers of 'are you sure?'. Never have I ever before.


I spent that night in Ron's room. I had put my bra and underwear back on, as well as one of Ron's big shirts. Ron was wearing his sweats from earlier.

We were facing each other. His arms were around me protectively, my face in his chest. His fingers were tracing lazy circles on my back.

"I don't think we should tell anyone quite yet," Ron mumbled. "You can be my little secret."

"Okay," I smiled into his chest. The thought of being Ron's secret brought a heat to my face. Normally, relationships like that wouldn't work out, but I felt that with Ron it would be different.

After a while of silence, Ron started to snore quietly. Soon after, I feel asleep.

The next morning, I woke up before the sun rose. It was probably around 4am. My back was turned away from Ron. He had an arm over my waist. I slipped out of Ron's grip and left the bed.

Right before I got to Ron's door, I heard him groan. "Kat, what are you doing?" He mumbled. His morning voice was so cute.

"We don't want people to get suspicious," I whispered.

"Right," he mumbled and drifted off to sleep. I walked over and kissed Ron's forehead before walking towards the door again. I looked down and realized what I was wearing.

I quickly changed back into my pajamas, stealing Ron's shirt. I was going to hide it in my trunk. It was mine now.

As I left Ron's room, I ran into Harry. Great. He'll sure be suspicious. He smirked at me and laughed quietly as he saw Ron's shirt in my hand.

"Shove off," I whispered and rolled my eyes. "Don't tell anyone."

"My lips are sealed," he whispered. I gave him a quick thumbs up before brushing past him and into Ginny's room.

I quietly got into my makeshift bed. I couldn't sleep. All I could think about were the events that occurred with Ron last night. They kept replaying in my head. I smiled at the thoughts.

Soon, the sun shone threw the windows, and the next thing I knew, Hermione was whipping open the curtains.

"Morning, 'Mione," I said, sitting up and stretching.

"You're awake earlier than usual," Hermione replied. I saw Ginny sit up quickly and perk up.

"How'd it go with Ron?" Ginny smirked.

"It went okay," I replied, a smile creeping up on my face. "We sort of just talked about everything, we're friends again."

"That's good!" Hermione said, getting clothes out of her trunk.

"Yeah," I responded.

"That's all?" Ginny said, disappointedly. "You guys didn't kiss or anything?"

"No, Ginny," I laughed. "We're just friends," I smiled. She sighed at my response. I got up and grabbed clothes out of my trunk to change into, making sure Ron's shirt was still hidden.

I picked out jean shorts, my Chucks, and a Gryffindor jumper. I left Ginny's room and made my way to the restroom. I opened the door to see Ron, shirtless, changing into his Chudley Channons shirt. He was still wearing the sweats from last night.

"Sorry," I mumbled before shutting the door. He put his hand on the door before I could shut it all the way.

"You can come in," he smirked. A heat rose to my face.

"Okay," I flushed. I walked in the restroom, with Ron still in it.

We both brushed our teeth together, and we were going to change together I assumed.

It felt awkward taking my tank top off in front of him. Its not like he hadn't seen me before. It was just last night he was ripping this same tank top off of me.

Before I could reach down to grab my shirt, Ron grabbed my waist, my back against the wall. He smirked before placing his lips on mine.

"You're so beautiful," he muttered in between breaths. Thoughts of last night flooded into my brain. I drapped my arms on his shoulders and around his neck.

Suddenly, a knock was heard at the door, causing Ron to jolt back, but still holding onto my waist. He had an annoyed look on his face.

"Ron, hurry up," Harry yelled. We quickly changed into our clothes.

"Ron," I whispered. "Harry knows."

"What?" He questioned.

"I'm sorry, I saw him on the way out of your room and he sort of put the peices together," I whispered. He put his hand on my waist and his forehead on mine.

"Don't be sorry, love," he whispered, and pecked my lips. We picked up our clothes and Ron opened the door, me behind him.

Harry gave Ron a look as we past him. Harry fake gagged at us. Ron and I went our separate ways.

I got up to Ginny's room and saw that Hermione and her were already changed. I guess I could've been changing in here the whole time, but then I wouldn't have ran into Ron.

The three of us made our way downstairs for breakfast. We sat at our regular spots once again. And once again, Ron and I made awkward eye contact the whole time. Except this time, we both knew how each other felt. I wasn't confused as to why Ron kept staring at me.

I knew he wanted me, and I wanted him.

i hate writing kiss scenes.
also peep the Tyler, the Creator reference AND the Taylor Swift reference 🤭.

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