The First Time

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*12 yrs. old*

"Bella! Come on! The ball went to the street! Can you at least get it for us?!"

Sighing, I put my book down, took a sip of my lemonade, and stared at my annoying nephew and his friend.

"No." I stated. They started giving me sad faces and my older brother looked at with a face that said "Get it." Huffing, I got up from my front step and started walking towards the street. As I was about to step onto the street, I felt this unsettling feeling in the pit of my stomach. Shrugging it off, I put on my other earbud and went to pick up the ball.

"Look out." Now. I freaked out because my music was really loud and I heard a fxcking whisper. I gasped and fell on my butt backwards just in time for a stupid car to zoom right by me hella fast. I sat there in shock with my mouth hanging open, eyes wide looking at the ball that was now flattened. 'That could've been me,' I thought. My brother ran to me checking if I was hurt and asked if I was okay. I didn't say anything. I couldn't.

"Bella? You okay?"

"That ball cost me 20 dollars.," I stated then looked at my nephew, "You owe me a new one." He simply shrugged and went into the house with his friend. I stood up wiping myself off and decided it was time for bed. I went upstairs to my room, went into the built in bathroom, showered brushed my teeth, and combed my hair and went to bed. The last thing I heard before drifting off was the same whisper,

"You're welcome. Sleep tight."


Hi. These chapters will be a little longer but this was just a flash back. I had this idea for a while and finally stopped being lazy and wrote the first part. This is my first actual story, so sorry if it sucks!

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