A stupid word.

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תזכורת קטנה בשביל שתזכרו לשתף ולעשות כוכב 3>
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Love, such a ridiculous word coming from your lips. You signed me up for a roller coaster of emotions that I didn't want to get on. Every time you said something nice to me I smiled until you stopped talking to me at all. Love, a word that betrayed me from the moment you laid hands on me. From the moment you asked me if I wanted to be together. forever. Every conversation we had revolved around you and the conversation ended when I started telling you about my problems. We never talked about how I feel, what I know, what I want to do with you. I know, sometimes I was hard, I demanded too much than I needed to. Because really, why would you want to talk to me instead of doing anything else. Always busy on the computer or with the homies instead of me. I know, I sound like one of those Pick Me Girls who wear makeup all the time and dye their hair blonde. Don't blame me for wanting a relationship after you said you wanted to have babies with me. So many tears wasted on your deep brown eyes and blond hair. So many moments I wanted you to give me a hug one last time. You used to say hello to me. Now you can't even look me in the eye and say hello.
Love. I hate that word.
ניסיתי לכתוב באנגלית, למי שלא מבין אנגלית יכול לתרגם בגוגל או משהו כזה כי אני לא רוצה להעלות את הגרסה של העברית כי זה לא נשמע טוב... בכל מקרה מקווה שנהנתם. :)

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