The Glowing Mystical Forest (New)

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——— This is a rewrite of my first part————

A bedroom door swings open as a duffel and message bag is placed on top of a dresser near the door. A girl walks into the room and closes the door behind her she walks over a huge dark green bean bag in her room surrounded by lots of pillows before falling first onto it. Laying there for a while letting her sorrows and tears fade into the bean bag and pillows she thinks to herself "Today was just 'peachy' I now have superpowers and I have to change schools and leave my friends and I have to do these stupid training"

A loud whistle comes from in front of the girl causing her to lift her head to look at the noise that came from in front of her a young griffin tilts their head looking very happy to see her home again. The girl groans before sitting up all the way "Quit following me you beast! I don't like you and don't want to have you anywhere near me!" The griffin tilts their head as the words shoot out of her mouth. The griffin got excited tail wagging as the girl sat up "How did you even break in here" she said in an irritated voice before feeling a breeze coming from the window behind her before falling back onto the bean bag and screaming.

The griffin sat in front of the girl still cooing at her before randomly hopping onto the girl's bed and taking a playful stance but a voice calls from downstairs. "SAGE HURRY ON DOWN YOUR FOOD IS GONNA GET COOL!". She tried to get up but as soon as she got up the griffin chirped and began to run around the room whenever Sages moved the griffin jumped to block her way. This annoyed Sage to her core she didn't want anything to do with this creature. Sage walked to her closet and dug through a big box with the bold words 'Sage's stuff DONT touch at all' with the word don't in the color red. The griffin tried to squeeze itself between Sage and the box. The box was filled with stuffed animals and crocheted animals and unfinished crochet patterns Sage grabbed a bear from the very bottom of the box before closing the box and tapping it back shut. She shook the cow plush leading the griffin into the middle of her room. "Hey you wanna play fetch do ya" the griffin got into a pouncing pose when it heard the wordplay "I bet you'd love this game" Sage shook the plushie and aimed it at the window before throwing it as far as she could "go fetch" on command the griffin went after the plush too busy trying to get this griffin jumped through the window and Sage closed it immediately and locked it after the griffin left.

Sage turned around letting out a sigh and
getting off her bed when she reached the door and placed and twisted the door knob there was a chirp that came from behind her. She whipped her head around quickly and there sat the griffin with the plushie "Why are you such a hassle! Go bother somebody else" she groaned before trying to grab the griffin. After some failed attempts she finally caught the griffin and put them back outside "Piss off".

Footsteps start to fill the hallway before Sage's room door is pushed open. Sage jumped "SAGE THOMSON! You were supposed to be downstairs ten minutes ago your food is almost cold now" the loud voice filled Sage turned her head quickly towards her room door staring at the espresso-skinned woman who walked in her room."Sorry Auntie Luna I was looking for something I'm down in a second ." Sage said quickly looking out the window and realizing the griffin was long gone by now. Sage locked the window, rolled out of the bed, and rushed downstairs closing her room door behind her.

————————After Dinner————————

"Don't worry about the chores tonight. I got it just get ready for bed" said Luna while she was washing the dishes. Sage had already wiped down everything and even swept before her Auntie had even started on the dishes. Coming downstairs already in her pjs and with her bonnet on "You should already know me by now. I'm always gonna be two steps ahead of you" she said while hugging her grandma and kissing her on the cheek "Goodnight Nana". Her grandma's hand moved over and pat Sage's hand. "Marco, deberíamos dar un paseo por el parque mañana. " "Marco estuvo aquí el mes pasado recuerda Nana?" "He should visit more...goodnight sweet bean" After that Sage goes to hug her Auntie and goes off to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04 ⏰

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