Vax " With what money we're flat fucking broke and I don't think Y/n will give us more. "

Everyone looked at Y/n and shook his head.

Vex " [ smirk ] Please with the way that man dotes on you, I'm sure you can work something out. The rest of us will be outside the mansion Y/n pointed at. "

Everyone nods and goes to their designated place.

Time skip as everyone except for Pike and Vax where outside the mansion.

Vex " So Y/n you faced a Basilisk? "

Y/n " Oh yeah uhh Trixhea wanted a new pet and she wanted a Basilisk so she tasked me to get one. So I did but the one I was fighting was an asshole kept petrifying me with its look and then finally I managed to send it to Trixhea but it took days. "

Scanlan " Couldn't you just close your eyes? "

( Author note : I'm using the harry potter basilisk ) 

Y/n " Tried that but It tried to eat me so I needed my eyes. "

Then both Pike and Vax came back but with no weapon.

Vax " We got the advice from Gilmore.

Vex " Now then lets get in there. "

Scanlan tries to get in but can't.

Scanlan " Sturdy. Nothing a little magical song couldn't handle. Open your back door baby, loosen your hinges I'll show you my key. "

He then tries to open the door but it stays locked.

Keyleth " What if i heat the metal and melt the lock? "

She tries this but lights Scanlan arm on fire.

Scanlan " What the hell Keyleth [ pats the fire out ] This is imported silk. "

Pike " The door doesn't seem magical. I'm not sensing anything. " 

Vex " Can you people do nothing right,? It's just a damn door. "

Y/n then walks up to the door and taps the lock it then opens and everyone just looked at Y/n.

Y/n " Oh come on just accept the shit I do. "

Everyone then walked in.

Vex " Ok Percy, Scanlan and Keyleth check the the second floor, we will check the first and ground floors. "

Vax then moved a rug away to find a cellar door.

Vax " Or we could check the cellar. "

Scanlan, Vax and Y/n look at Vex with a smirk on their faces they then all went down into the cellar and when they got there they saw Fince collecting some documents. 

Scanlan " Aha. "

Fince turns around to see everyone except Y/n drawing their weapons and pointing them at him, Fince gets his dagger out and points it at Vox machina. 

Scanlan " We caught you blue-handed, chicken humper! Drop your blade. "

Fince " What? No, no, you don't understand. I'm not stealing anything. "

Pike " Yeah and that sword isn't to murder General  Krieg with either right? "

Grog " [ whispering ] Pike, I think it is. "

Fince " You must listen to me, these documents are evidence. General Krieg is planning to ... "

Y/n then saw Krieg behind Fince.

Y/n " Quick move! "

Fince didn't and he was stabbed in the back and was instantly killed and Krieg moved out the shadows smiling.

legend of vox machina x male alchemist reader ( to be continued )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu