Act 5: Fly to the Beat of the War Drums

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Call him petty, but if there was a way to slight or put a dent in Tony Stark's wealth (no matter how minuscule it was) then Liam would be the first to take the chance. Granted, Liam could open a warp gate and take three steps to go from New York to Germany, but hey if they were going on a private jet, then they were going on a private jet.

Agreement. Petty. Humor. Vindication.

The said Avenger didn't raise any questions about it, but if the frown that marred his face was anything to go by, then Liam's intent was understood. Stark, however, had opted out on the jet and had flown to Germany using his suit. Unfortunately, Happy Hogan had the dubious honor of flying two superpowered teenagers to a fight with rogue Avengers.

"So uh...," Peter tried to strike up a conversation. "Why do they call you Happy?"

Happy's response was to generate a division via rolling up a tinted screen. In any other situation, Liam would've laughed at the reaction, but he was keeping his eyes trained on the suitcase that Tony had rudely thrown at him before the plane flight.

Oh, Liam knew what it was. He just didn't want to touch it, even with a ten-foot pole. With the only other person cutting themselves off from the possibility of conversation, Peter turned to Liam. "So did you look at your suit?"

"No," Liam frowned. As if to spite Tony Stark even further, there was a flicker of sapphire light before the jacket of Liam's original vigilante ensemble fluttered over his shoulders. "It's Stark technology, I don't trust it. Double negative points if he's putting me in spandex."

"Double negative is positive?"

A glare was enough to tell Peter that his commentary was very much not appreciated. Though it wasn't enough to deter Peter. For some unholy reason, the junior vigilante was keyed up on the urge to converse with people and Liam couldn't find the heart to deprive him of it. "Well, I mean...uh--what's wrong with spandex?"

Liam shuddered. "I don't know about you, but I don't like wearing form-fitting clothes that leave little to the imagination of the general public. No, thank you."

"But it's fine?"

"It's fine for you because you have exhibitionist qualities," Liam corrected without missing a beat. Of course, Liam wasn't going to confess to the fact that he appreciated the suit on Peter. He was a hypocrite, no one needed to tell Liam twice.

" Seriously ?" Peter was past being embarrassed by Liam's suggestive remarks. There was a round bing! that interrupted their conversation before he could devolve any further. The plane lurched forward and Peter yelped. He squandered and instinctually wrapped his hands around Liam's arm.

"Ever been on a plane before?" Liam raised an eyebrow, resolutely ignoring the fact that they were in contact with one another.

"N-No," Peter squeaked. The whir! of the plane grew higher in pitch as it shot down the runway before tilting upward as it gained altitude.

"Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!" Peter hissed as he reached up and rubbed his ears. Liam frowned before he reached into a warp gate and pulled out a pack of gum.

"Here," Liam handed a tinfoil-wrapped slip to Peter. "Gum helps with altitude changes."

"Thanks," Peter took the packet gratefully and quickly shoveled the gum into his mouth. He chewed thoughtfully on the offered treat before he frowned. "That works. Okay, this is weird."

Liam snorted. "You tell me. Never had to deal with attitude changes that much, huh?"

"No," Peter shook his head with a resigned air. "I never really got on a plane ever since..."

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