Act 2: The New Moon Heralds the Death March

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"Ever since the alien invasions, an official statement has been released by the Avengers--"

"It has been reported that the Ronin is not part of the Avengers Initiative--"

"Many are questioning the intents behind this masked vigilante and are asking if there are any--"

"Debates have been going on and off about whether or not the Ronin is now a new hero or a villain. Many are in uproar in approval for this new-to-the-scene hero--"

"I don't know what you're talking about Stacy. Ronin is a terrorist. Where has this hero been in the previous New York invasion? From the footage we see here, it's very clear and obvious that this man has brought aliens to the city--"

"The Ronin should be hailed as a hero because he saved people and wasn't part of the Avengers. Of course, he has to be a hero--"

"He kicked a fighter jet into the air! Dude, how badass could you get?"

"He saved my daughter when she was taken by the aliens! He's my daughter's hero!"

"Ronin, I love you! New York City loves you!"

"There have been reports of Ronin being spotted stopping petty thieves and muggings in the ensuing chaos and reconstruction efforts."

"See him out there? He's a hero! A true one!"

"I would like to remind everyone that Ronin is a vigilante, a person who is taking matters in their hands to subdue criminals. This is very much illegal. Despite whatever intentions this figure may have, the Ronin is a criminal."

"Hate him, love him. You gotta admit that the Ronin is making New York a safer place."

"Hey, the internet loves him! Say whatever you wanna say, but he's here to stay."

"Critics are calling this new internet trend the Ronin Controversy as there have been many online debates on the topic of whether or not the Ronin is a heroic figure."

"He's the cool, hip, and silent type of guy. I can respect that!"

"He saved me in an alleyway when a guy had a gun. If you're out there and are hearing this. Thank you, Ronin."

"Thanks, Ronin!"

"Thanks, dude!"

"Thank you, Ronin!"

"My family thanks you Ronin."

"New York City thanks you Ronin!"

"There has been a surge of interest in this new vigilante figure, but the question is still posed. Just who is the masked vigilante Ronin?"


Liam huffed as he wiped his thumb over his bottom lip. "Explain it to me again? I seriously don't get it."

"Right," Peter nodded as he grazed the butt-end of his pencil and circled the smooth texture of the textbook. "So to find the derivative of this number, you have to use chain rule which means that the derivative of y over x equals dy over du times du over dx."

"Huh," Liam lightly bit the tip of his tongue as he quickly went through the problem. "This right?"

Peter looked over his work and nodded exuberantly. It was a little astonishing how excited Peter got whenever Liam got a problem right. "Yeah! That's right!"

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