Your Favorite Thing About Him

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Growing up, you knew that James had always been bullied, which made him an insecure child. You love how as he got older, he took initiative to change the things he disliked about himself, and became an advocate for anti-bullying. You fell in love with James's confidence and his loving nature.


Brad can sing like nobodies business. His voice can make you melt, and you swear, you fall in love again everytime you hear him sing. The way he weaves the words when singing, creates a beautiful work of art that makes you feel things you never knew were possible before you met him.


You had always been insecure about being extremely tall in school, but once you found Tris, that all changed. He was slightly taller than you, and always made you feel better. Whenever people teased you, he made sure you didn't take it to heart, and he would take you out to ice cream!


You love how into his music and movies he is. Con or isnt afraid to show what he is passionate about in life. He is always there when you want to talk about different celebrities and you for him. His passion is one of the major things that made you fall for him.

I have two big chapters in the works!

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