It's very rare for me to be able to see her as a parent and not just someone who's trying to control my life. But right now, what she's saying makes sense and it's something a parent would say. I know she mentioned my education as a reason but it does make sense that I wait until college to seriously date.

"What? You're not gonna argue with me?" Our mom suddenly say to me.

"What?" I say because I'm not sure if she said anything else after the whole long distance will be hard statement.

"I thought you would argue with me and say that if you want right now then you will and there's nothing I can do to stop it" she tries to imitate me.

"That's true. You do always argue whenever she brings up her opinion" Yuna backs her up.

"I'm sorry that I'm not in the mood to fight and that I somewhat agree" I cross my arms and I lean back into my chair.

Our mom nods then leaves us alone. That's one of our most civil interactions.

"Today just feels weird" Yuna shakes her head.

"I was ready to cover my ears if you and mom was gonna argue."

"Don't get used to it" I chuckle.

Yuna suddenly stands up then she quietly closes my door. I give her a weird look because I don't know what she's doing.

She goes back on the bed, "Your date didn't fail because of Yeji, right?"

I cough for no reason, "No. What does Yeji have anything to do with it?"

"I saw you go into her room yesterday when you got home and you stayed there for a while. I want to make sure that you're not crossing any lines. Beomgyu would be so hurt considering how much he adores you" she sighs.

"I know. I'm trying to help him get closer to Yeji but it's not easy. Yeji told me her type yesterday and it's not Beomgyu" I uncross my arms.

"We also can't force Yeji to like Beomgyu. I think if he continues to go after her then he will get hurt regardless because he's not what Yeji wants. You and I thought that they could work it out because they're having a baby together but why do they have to?" I question.

I don't give her a chance to actually answer.

"Does Beomgyu even like Yeji? Or is he forcing himself to like her because he thinks it's the right thing to do."

"But Yeji agreed" she cuts me off.

"At the beginning, yes she did but she doesn't feel that way anymore. I don't even think she wants to be in any sort of relationship right now."

"Yeji told me that Beomgyu stresses a lot when they're together because he doesn't know if what he's doing is enough to make her happy. She doesn't like that. It puts pressure on her to try to constantly reassure him that it is enough" I continue.

"I just don't want us to be the forgotten family. I'm really excited to become an Auntie. What if she marries someone and we barely get to see our niece or nephew?" She sadly claims.

"I don't think that will happen, Yuna. Whether she marries Beomgyu or someone else, she won't stop us from seeing the baby. That's so cute that's what you were worried about though" I smile at her.

She frowns, "Shut up. I know you're making fun of me but I don't see you having a child so Beomgyu is the only chance I have of becoming an aunt."

I gasp, "What makes you think I won't have a child? First you thought I suck at dating and now you think I'm not capable of having my own family?"

"Well, you can't get accidentally pregnant because you're gay and no adoption agency would give you a child because that would be crazy. They'll take one look at you and reject your papers right away" she says with a serious face.

"What the fuck?" I stand then I charge at her.

I tackle her onto my bed and I put her in a chokehold.

"What do you think of me?" I playfully squeeze her and she's laughing.

She then start tickling me and it forces me to let her go. I get on my back while I try to wiggle my body away from her.

"Yuna! Stop!" I scream while laughing.

After a couple of minutes of torture, she stops. I sit up while trying to catch my breath.

"I hate you" I fix my hair.

"Please, you'd die for me" she sticks out her tongue.

"Not at this moment" I do the same thing to her.

"But seriously, is there anything going on with you and Yeji? Even Lia is asking me about it."

"What? Why would she say something like that?  There's nothing going on with Yeji and myself. We're just friends. She finds comfort in me because I was there for her" I explain.

"You're right. She's way out of your league anyways" she teases so I kick her off my bed.

"Ouch" she pouts as she stands up while rubbing her butt.

"She's out of my league but she's okay for Beomgyu?" I sit up while crossing my arms because I'm feeling offended.

"I never said that. She's out of his league too. Sometimes I can't believe that she slept with him. My only reasoning is that she was probably extremely drunk so it just shows how dangerous alcohol can be. It can make an ugly guy look handsome" Yuna is having the time of her life making fun of us.

Since she's the youngest, we let her get away with it but if she wasn't then she would probably be out my window right now.

"I can't speak for Beomgyu but you do realize that you and I are actually blood related. Also, we look identical!" I argue.

She shakes her head, "I would imagine I would look like you if I did drugs."

"But luckily, I don't but it's nice having you around because it reminds me that I need to take care of myself" she continues with her teasing.

"Get out before I end this weekend with a mugshot" I point at the door.

"Okay okay, I'll leave. I've had my fun. That's what you get for not spending time with me yesterday" she finally leaves my room.

I lay back down and I close my eyes because I suddenly feel tired. I kind of want to go see Yeji but I already saw her yesterday.

Beomgyu might want to spend today with her so it's best I leave them alone.

I hear my phone go off so I stand up to grab it from my desk. My dad sent a text ordering me to go to his office.

I sigh because it's probably not gonna be a pleasant conversation. I drag my feet to walk out of my room.

Passing by Yeji's room, I hear voices so I was right that Beomgyu would spend time with her. I then find myself stopping and going back to check if I can hear what they're talking about.

This is something new for me. I've never been the nosy type but I am curious if Yeji is telling him that he's not the one for her.

A part of me hopes that's what's happening because then Beomgyu can move on. The longer Yeji gives him hope, the more he'll get hurt.

Upon realizing what I'm doing is wrong, I continue to make my way to my dad's office.

I remind myself that their relationship is none of my business. Whether they work it out or they go their separate ways is their business.

Once I get into my dad's office, I lose all my focus. He's talking about colleges and scholarships but my mind seems distracted. I'm not sure by what though. I tend to have thoughts and not know what those thoughts are but I'm just aware that I'm having them.

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