Yeji's Family

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It's the day where we go home now, Sunday. Not much happened yesterday, we all just hung out in Lia's room and ate food. I probably gained five pounds just from this weekend.

I didn't get to talk to Karina much either because I kept making sure that Yeji was taken care of. For some reason, I couldn't stop myself. Whenever she moves, I make sure I'm ready in case she needs something that she can't reach.

I do see why Yuna would think that I like Yeji but I don't think I'm being caring towards her for that reason. I just connected with her easily so I think that's why. I've seen her vulnerable state so that brought us closer, I think.

"Let me get that for you" I take Yeji's bag from her to take to the car.

Lia, Yuna and Yeji all say their goodbyes while I load the car.

"Can I have a moment with you?" Lia asks me.

"Uh sure?" I say in a questioning way.

She pulls me aside, away from Yuna and Yeji.

"Did I do something wrong?" I suddenly feel nervous.

She shakes her head while smiling, "I just want to ask a favor. I know you've been doing it already but I want to ask that you continue taking care of Yeji. She might act like she's okay and all but she's not. It's hard to be okay going a through pregnancy while also dealing with losing her family."

"I'll try my best but you know Beomgyu will be around too, right? I believe you already know his number so why don't you ask him this favor?"

"I don't know Beomgyu but I've gotten to know you. Yuna also talks highly of you so I know what I saw this weekend with how you treated Yeji wasn't just an act. It's your genuine self. Text or call me if there's any news about Yeji, please" She's not smiling anymore.

"I will" I just agree because there's no point of saying no.

She hugs me and I hug her back. I've wanted  to experience this for a very long time but now that it's happening, I don't feel as excited. Is it because I'm talking to someone now?

We let go of each other and we say our final goodbyes.

I go back towards the car and the two are already inside.

"Was everything okay?" Yeji asks as soon as I get in.

"Yea, she was just being a good friend to you" I smile at her before starting the car.

"Uhm, I don't know if this too much but I texted my parents and told them I'm nearby so they asked to see me. Is it possible to stop by my house before going back to yours?" She nervously asks.

"Are you sure? Are they not mad anymore?" I worry.

"I don't know. They must not be if they're willing to see me. If they're okay with me having this baby then maybe I can even go back home then I won't be a burden to your family anymore" she says and I don't know how I feel about her not living with us.

I'm so used to having her around in such a short time that the idea of her being away is actually making me sad.

"Yea, we can do that" I say against my will.

"Thank you" she sweetly says.

She gives me the address so I can put it in my phone. It's only thirty minutes away from here.

"Do you want to leave us?" Yuna sadly asks and I'm glad she's sad too.

"No, but I think it will be easier for everyone if I do. I don't want to be a reason why you three go against your mom just because you want to take my side" she explains.

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