Part 2: Chapter 10

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The three of us froze as we waited to see if anyone heard the window I just broke for us to get in the building.

"You have the strongest magic in the world, Ava." Ominis hissed behind me, clearly annoyed with me, "just make something explode again."

"I'm trying to just get in, grab Sebastian and get out."

"That's not how it was when you made the gate explode. And We all know that's not how this is ending." Ominis was getting snarky.

"Are you hungry? You are being so sassy right now."

He was quiet and rolled his eyes, "just go in the damn building."

One at a time we all climbed in. I looked around at the marble flooring and walls. Everything seemed so bright you would never guess people who regularly use curses on others lived here. Painting and pictures hung everywhere. A lot of Giselle and Andre and a few of Marc. I was no where in sight but I expected that.

As we began to walk down the hall one small painting caught my eye. I stopped and glanced at it for a moment. I was actually in it. I was maybe five at least and the twins were maybe about two or three. Marc who was about ten was also pictured. We all sat on a small bench in all white clothing. The twins were holding onto me on each arm as Marc stood behind us smiling.

I had absolutely no memory of this being painted ever.

"That's the only one of you." Marc said making me jump five feet in the air and grab my chest for a moment. "I had the practically beg for it to stay up."

"Where have you been?"

"I told you I was going to inform the ministry."

"I honestly just thought you said that because Sharp was there."

He sighed, "I'm going to find our father. Where you want to go will be a door going down to a cellar near the kitchen. It's down this Hall to the right."

"Will you be okay?" I asked.

He smiled, "I'll be fine. He'll think im visiting." Marc hugged me tightly before heading towards the opposite direction.

Poppy took my hand, "come on, Ava, let's save Sebastian."

We hurried down the hall quickly. I noticed I didn't see anyone. No servants, house elves. It truly confused me. I did smell something baking. Very French of them.

I peeked in the kitchen door and saw the oven turned on and what looked like bread baking. "I didn't know they bake.." I mumbled.

"Even dark wizards eat." Ominis said behind me.

"Alright, your attitude is bumming me out."

"My best friend was kidnapped and all you can think about is bread?"

"I have never been here before! And it's my boyfriend who was kidnapped."

Poppy stood between us with an uncomfortable smile and both her hands up keeping us separated. "Okay okay, and I'm just here for moral support but let's try to keep our heads." She tried to joke to calm us down. "I think the stress of everything is making you both a little irritated."

I let out a long sigh and ran my fingers through my hair. "Ominis, I'm sorry. Im just shocked my family lives in such a bright homey type of place when they do such atrocious things."

"Ava, I'm sorry as well. I'm just worried about Sebastian. I know you are too. You just show it by talking about other things and distracting yourself."

"Okay," I began to say when he cut me off.

"And trying to make people laugh with your terrible jokes,"

Overtaken, book 1Where stories live. Discover now