Chapter : 5 Part : 2

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                       Author's pov

As he rode through the streets, memories flooded his mind, each turn and curve bringing back flashes of the past.

  racing, betrayal and death.

His black helmet shielded his face, concealing the turmoil of emotions brewing within him as he navigated through the city.

Lost in his thoughts, he accelerated, the wind whipping against his helmet. Just as he approached the tunnel, a flicker of movement caught his eyes, drawing his attention away from the road ahead.
Slowing his pace, he spotted a luxury car, it's sleek design illuminated by the glow of the street lights.

A girl leaned out of the window, her features obscured by the shadow of the night. Her hair danced in the wind, strands of darkness contrasting against the pale glow of her skin, Jungkook couldn't help but be driven by an insatiable curiosity, Jungkook felt an almost magnetic pull to catch a glimpse of the girl's face. As he accelerated his bike, closing the gap between himself and the car, he maneuvered alongside, matching the car's speed. Just as he positioned himself beside her, the girl turned her head, their eyes meeting in a fleeting, intense gaze.

Her features were illuminated briefly by the passing lights : pale snow like skin framed by long hair that flirted with her large, doe eyes ; her lips, caught in moment of fear or surprise, formed a delicate curve. The connection was brief but electric, lasting only a moment before she abruptly raised the window, severing their visual link.

Jungkook couldn't help but smile broadly behind his helmet, the thrill of the encounter igniting a spark within him as he sped away, the engine's roar echoing his racing heart. His leather jacket felt hot like summer.

Despite the briefness of their exchange and ordinariness of her features, there was something undeniably captivating about her. She was not a striking beauty from magazine cover, but an average girl, probably in her twenties, who had stirred an unexpected flutter in his stomach - a feeling he hadn't anticipated and couldn't easily shake off.

                         * * * * * * * *

                     ( Jungkook's pov)

It seemed almost too coincidental, seeing her three times in a row, and now she was right here in my classroom. It's like third time's charm.
If fate were a dude, I'd owe him a night out  and good wine for this, for real.

Well, thanks to my knack of persuasive conversation, (we didn't jus fought in classroom - ) I managed to secure seat right beside her. The reality of the situation was almost surreal. It was the last, math class of the day, and I found myself shamelessly staring at her, Captivated in her presence. In a moment of impulse, I had rearranged the desks in the classroom, pulling mine next to hers in a layout unlike any other in the room. The hell, anyone could have objection with that. It was unconventional, perhaps even a bit forward, but second thought weren't my style.

Kim was also in this classroom. Looking at his face didn't just fuel my anger more, but apparently the girl with name jiaa had my all attention. She could legit be the death of me.

Whenever I looked behind, Kim was throwing death glares at My side as if I had committed a crime, but who gives a damn?

Every attempt at conversation with jiaa was met with curt and icy responses, leaving me intrigued by her unyielding demeanor. It was a challenge unlike any other, her coldness somehow adding to her allure. But I knew better than to let myself fall for someone just because they played hard to get. That would be juvenile.

I mean, who knows she might turn out like the others, just another girl vying for my attention.

As the final class ended, the room emptied out, leaving only a few lingering conversations and curious stares directed my way. I turned to glance over at kim, who remained seated as if oblivious to the bell signalling the end of class.

Then, a presence entered the room, evident by the shift in Kim's expression from me to the figure standing behind me. Jiaa was still packing her things when she suddenly stood up, her attention drawn to the newcomer.

" we need to talk, come out for a bit.", it said, sending murmurs rippling through the air like a swarm of restless bees. I glanced at Jiaa, catching her confused gaze before she quickly looked away and left the room.

I turned to see who it was, recognizing the voice instantly. I rose from my seat and trailed after him after taking my bag with me. The weight of curious stares pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. As we stepped outside into the playground, the atmosphere crackled with tension, every eye fixed on us like we were the main attraction in circus.

He stood before me, his face a mask of pale fury, words struggling to escape his clenched jaw. Frustration danced in his eyes, mirroring the turmoil within him as he grappled with his emotions. His hand curled into a tight fist, trembling with pent - up anger.

Then, without warning, his fist lashed out, striking me square in the face. Pain exploded across my lip, the metallic tang of blood filling my mouth. His frustration, his rage, it was all there, tangible in that single punch.

Jimin's  gaze locked onto mine, his eyes burning with a wild intensity.

" why are you back?" he demanded, his voice thick with anger.

" because I wanted to," I replied coolly.

His smile twisted bitterly as he pressed further. " I said, why the fuck are you here? Have you moved on from everything that happened? After killing a friend? " he punctuated his accusation with another punch, my lip splitting further under the force, the taste of blood sharp against my tongue.

I met his fury with a sarcastic smile, then mirrored his action, landing a solid punch on his face.

" why the fuck do you care now? Were you there when it all went down? No, you were too busy mourning over a bitch who sold you out for your father's money." my words were harsh, raw release of pent-up truths.

Jimin stumbled back, pain and confusion warring on his features,

" I.... I never believed... For one second... It could be you ", he stammered, his voice breaking.
" I was ready to kill you the second I saw you... I know it can't be you. But seems... You look dead already. You run off to Paris. That wasn't a Jungkook-like behavior. "

" believe it or not, I did it and I accepted it so you should accept it too." I said, not even sure what I was talking.

Tears streaked down his cheeks, his anger dissolving into a poignant mixture of betrayal and sorrow.

The next moment, jimin pulled me into a tight embrace, catching me off guard as I stumbled over a rock.
" I will never believe it, my opinions never mattered to you guys anyway. I hate you both the same." his arms wrapped around me with a fierce intensity, conveying emotions too complex for words. After a moment that felt both fleeting and eternal, he released me.

" never came into my sight. The second I see you, I'll punch you, " he warned me, his voice carrying a mix of threat and resignation. With that, he turned on his heel and made his way towards the exit gate.

I couldn't help but laugh at his words, a bitter irony coloring the sound. At least jimin hadn't changed. He was still the same, still clinging to his innocence amidst the chaos. If only he had been there, maybe none of this would have happened, but alas, some heartless bitch had shattered his world for the sake of money, a cruel reality far too common among wealthy heirs destined to inherit their family's empires. His father was a wicked man, and my hatred for him burned hotter than ever.


"in every trio, there's always a duo"
                               ~ jimin

I was caught up in hee jin drama and there I was thinking to add a character like her

"everyone copied me" type of bitch

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