Introducing Summer

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A/N: Edited by NicoleRiley.


Summer looked out of the window and sighed. It was drizzling again, though she did not know why she felt so disappointed. It was always raining here in Aelwick. Maybe the reason why she felt so was because her roommates do not want to play with her; again.

Fine, if they don’t need her then so be it! She’d rather to be left alone anyways, besides; she could think better and act strangely capably by herself. She doesn’t need anyone to ‘befriend’ with her. If she want a friend, then the friend must be unadulterated to her; not someone who was forced just because she was without a companion in the world.

Maria, one of the caretakers in the orphanage, is a sweet middle aged woman who was always nice to her. She always seemed to know what to say, especially after someone insulted her choice of clothes – which in her mind are completely normal - or something else insignificant.

But she sometimes can’t help but take offense of their insults and name calling. However, she would always force herself to take no heed of their prying words. No, she would always raise her head up high, and ignore their taunting.

Maria said that people who made others feel bad is because they feel much worse than what they ought to be. Summer couldn’t have agreed more.

Oh, how she long to have parents that could love her as much as Maria loves her. At least once a week, one of her roommates would be happily united with an expectant couple. Summer would likely to watch them by the sidelines as they walk out of the front door, the sense of longing always mingle in her heart. She, like any other kids in the orphanage, would love to be adopted.

The sooner she got out of this place, the better. If she saw another glare that’s been shot at her, then she’ll do everything in her power to rip them to shreds.


But as the time comes and goes, she could not help but hope that there was someone out there, as lonely as she was, just waiting to have friends. She could count on that, mark her words.

Her notions were cut short when she felt her stomach churning. She had been holding it since that morning; she did not have any chance as the other kids had been stalling in the bathroom. She had the feeling that they did it on purpose. It was as though no matter how untimely she woke up, she would always end up last.

By the time she entered the bathroom, the bell rang for the first time – indicating the five-minute call for breakfast. She managed to hold it in, but right now doing so is close to impossible for her as her stomach stirred again.

She needs to go to the loo, and fast.

She stood up and ran towards the corridors that lead to one of the bathrooms in the house. She turned to the left when she heard the cry. A few kids jumped in surprise and looked at each other.

“What was that?” a blonde girl asked.

“I don’t know, but I don’t want to stay here any longer to find out.”

As fast as lightning, they stood up and ran towards a much more secluded place to continue their game. She realized they did not acknowledge her as they passed by.

She ignored their snooty attitudes and crept noiselessly towards the slightly ajar door and peeked through it. Suddenly, the ache in her stomach didn’t matter anymore; she was more inquisitive about this.

You know what they say, curiosity kills the cat. Right now in this situation, she was the cat. And she didn’t want her grave to be dug to soon. She was, after all, too young to die.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2013 ⏰

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