The Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Mum, I don't want to leave you so soon." Alice admitted, turning back to see a knowing look on her mother's face. Though it pained her mother to let Alice go so soon ,she wouldn't show that hurt, instead offering a small smile.

"I know, my darling, but when it is your time, you will come back to me." The wise words echoed in Alice's head as her mum began to fade from view. Seeing her Mother begin to disappear was heartbreaking, but something in Alice knew it wasn't time to join her yet. She had too much to leave behind. "Oh! And tell Lover-boy that I approve."

The last words her Mother spoke were paired with a wry smile and a wink before she was gone completely. An expression that was handed down to Alice as though it was a family heirloom. Humorous, loving and just a little mischevious.

Like mother, like daughter.  


Her eyes shot open.

Draco had never felt any kind of relief like it as he watched Alice come back to life in his arms, though now with a bright white scar weaving across her cheekbone and ending in jagged lines across the bridge of her nose. His tears of heartbreak made way for new tears, ones filled with pure joy that dripped down on to his girlfriends shoulder from where she lay in his lap. He didn't care one bit, feeling more as though he was the one who was brought back to life.

"I love you." Draco uttered the only words that could come in to his head as she looked up to him, her eyes glistening like his. His platinum blonde hair was messy in just the way she liked it, paired perfectly with the smile he now showed so casually, despite how little he showed it when the two first met. He was everything to her, and she was half of his heart.

After being hit with the killing curse and surviving, Alice half expected to hardly be able to move, to be in far too much pain from her body temporarily shutting down to even consider getting back up and in to the action again. It was quite the surprise when she realised that she had never felt power like it. There was discomfort, of course, but her body burned far more from rage than any pain that she could possibly be feeling, the adrenaline coursing through her like a tidal wave built to destroy.

Oh, the fire in her eyes wasn't even enough to convey the destruction that she was about to bring.

Considering the masses of energy running through her veins, Alice leapt up from Draco's arms and on to her feet in milliseconds. Her wand was already drawn and in her hand as she jumped on to the table Bellatrix was stood on, bringing herself to her full height slowly, her head down, glaring at the witch in front of her.

The fury that was rolling off of Alice wasn't even fuelled by the killing curse successfully hitting her, it was the fact that it was meant to hit Draco. There wasn't a version of the universe where Alice planned to let Bellatrix see another sunrise. 

"What!?" Bellatrix's shrill screech echoed throughout the otherwise silent great hall, most people having turned to the commotion after Draco's original scream, and the rest turning to pay attention after Alice's miraculous revival. "There's another who thinks they're powerful enough to walk away from the killing curse?" 

You'd be able to hear a pin drop in the room as death eaters and students alike watched Alice's scar spread in three snowy white lines across her face, it's final form looking similar claw marks.

The same marks Remus Lupin had once bore on his face.

"Oh, you know nothing of my power." Alice whispered, though every onlooker heard as clear as day. 

Draco had stood from the ground where she once lay in his arms and drawn his wand, though there was no chance that he would involve himself in the duel. Hell, with the thoughts he could see in Alice's head, he would only slow her down.

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