Scared Of Love

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*I have been working on the Enemy's Into Lovers pt 2, but I have run out of ideas. I have not forgotten about you guys. Thank you all so much for 169 reads!!!* 

Aziraphale strolled through his petite little book store, as he was dragging his index finger along the rows of books, he was looking for a certain book to drink his tea with. When he found his favorite book, the angel took the tiny teacup from the desk and decided to have a small rest on the couch. When he heard the ringing of his phone, he was pretty sure a certain demon was calling him, so he jumped up from his seat, excited to answer the phone to talk to Crowley.

“Hello?” Aziraphale answered.

“Hey, angel, how’s it goin’?” Crowley started.

“I am quite alright, how are you, Crowley?” Aziraphale smiled.

“Fine. Hey I was wondering if you wanted some crepes,” Crowley questioned.

“You know I would never say ‘no’ to that question\, Crowley dear,”

“Yea, yea-” Crowley started.

“Are we going to see each other at the Ritz, or will you be picking me up?” Aziraphale questioned.

“Exually, I was thinking that you could come over here,” 

There was a moment of silence, Aziraphale was so overwhelmed with love and happiness. Crowley began to get scared in the slight gap of silence, he was scared that the angel would be too embarrassed to speak to him.

“I would love that Crowley! I’ll be there in 20!” Aziraphale slammed down the phone and jumped up from the couch.

Aziraphale put on his best cream colored suit and skipped happily to the demon’s house. Crowley had to find his best outfit that looked good, but not so good that it looks like he tired too hard. He put on his best cologne, then set the table with two tall glasses of his best red and white wine. The demon had never felt as nervous as he was now, he never felt nervous around the angel. Crowley felt like canceling at the last minute, he was so tense. The demon ran to the phone and rang Aziraphale, he was going to cancel the date. He heard the pitter patter of angel’s feet on his doorstep and the knocking on the door. Crowley slammed down the phone and bit his lip as he marched to the door. Aziraphale smiled at the nervous wreck in front of him and gave a small chuckle. 

“Are you okay, Crowley? You like you had just seen a murder,” Aziraphale patted the demon on the shoulder and walked into the threshold.

The smell of the crepes made Aziraphale at home and extremely joyful. Crowley thought about running away from the angel, but he just closed the door. Crowley gestured for Aziraphale to follow him, they walked throughout the house until they reached the kitchen. 

“The crepes are keeping warm in the oven, would you like to have a seat, angel?”

“Oh they smell heavenly, Crowley! I can’t wait to eat those delicious pastries!”

Crowley’s face went a slight pink color, “I’ll go get them.”

As Crowley walked away Aziraphale took a look around the demon’s house. He noticed how modern and new it looks, everything was a stylish black color. In the beginning Aziraphale hated the color black, he thought that it was so boring, it didn’t have a certain touch to it, but knowing Crowley for this long, the color was growing on him. He now sees the color black like Crowley, at first it looks scary and drab, but the longer you look at it the more of its beauty is shown.

“Ta da!” Crowley slid out of the kitchen with a silver platter full of crepes and berries.

“They look so delicious!” Aziraphale spoke as he clapped his hands.

Crowley placed the tray next to Aziraphale then plopped down in the seat closest to the angel. Aziraphale smiled and dug into the pastries with delight. The rest of the night consisted of light talk and laughing. As Aziraphale finished his crepes there was powdered sugar left on his face, this was irregular for the angel. “Crowley, where's the napkin?” Aziraphale questioned as he laughed.

“Oh, yea sorry about that,” Crowley gave a small chuckle and got up to fetch the angel a napkin.

Crowley grabbed the napkin and handed it to the angel, “Oh goddess, my hands are so sticky, do you think you could wipe the crumbs off my face, Crowley dear?”

The demon blushed and began to wipe the powdered sugar off the angel’s peachy cheek. Crowley and Aziraphale were face to face, Aziraphale slowly pulled down the napkin and looked at the demon’s lips. They both blushed and slowly moved closer to each other, they closed their eyes and kissed. All of Crowley’s worries and anxiousness had gone away, with a single kiss their lives became that much better. They slowly broke away from each other, Crowley’s yellow serpent eyes filled with love. Aziraphale’s stomach was full of butterflies as he pulled Crowley into another kiss. The demon was so surprised, that he was so over taken by the softness of the angel’s lips. They inched away from each other, Aziraphale was almost disappointed to be away from the demon’s ruby lips. 

Aziraphale realized what he had just done, as his eyes widened he jumped up and began to jog to the door, “I apologize that I am leaving so suddenly, but I remembered something I must do and won’t be able to do tomorrow!” Aziraphale sprinted out the door.

“Wait Aziraphale,” Before the demon could finish his sentence the angel was gone, “I…I’m sorry”

Crowley knocked a chair to the ground, almost breaking it with his rage. For the past week and a half the demon has procrastinated about seeing or even calling Aziraphale. Scared he had ruined the friendship, he minded the angel’s space and he kept to himself. The angel was also scared, he was scared of upsetting the other angels and All Mighty. He loved Crowley and he knew that there was no hiding his feelings from God, he never felt so happy, then when he was with Crowley. He had never felt as overjoyed as he was when he kissed the demon, he had to go see him again. But how could he, he left Crowley for no real reason, he was probably mad and never wanted to see the angel again. Aziraphale wanted to face his fears, he needed to see the demon again, no matter the cast. As he walked to Crowley’s house, he thought of how mad he might have made the demon, and what Gabriel might do to him if he figured out what he had been doing with Crowley. It was hard enough just being friends with him, but kissing him was a new level.  

He knocked on the door continuously until he heard the demon yell out, “Who the hell is at the door, I’m napping!”

Aziraphale started to have second thoughts about going to the demon’s house. The door busted open, Crowley had a disgusted look on his face until he saw his angel. His face lit up with joy and love, the demon had never been the hugging or even touching type, but as soon as he saw the soft white face of the angel he wrapped his hands around Aziraphale. He hugged him so tight, scared he would lose his angel again. 

“I’m so sorry, Aziraphale! It’s all my fault, I understand if you never want to see me again, please just let me hold you if you are going to leave!” Aziraphale was almost offended by the demon’s words.

“Crowley I would never leave you,” Aziraphale hugged the demon just as hard as he was hugging the angel, “it wasn’t your fault, Crowley, I was just scared. I was scared I had done something wrong. I…I love…you.” There was a moment of silence between them.

“I love you too, angel” Crowley hugged the angel once again and gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

Crowley x Aziraphale Where stories live. Discover now