Friends Into Lovers Part 1

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                                                                                                                      *no smut*

As the phone rang, Aziraphale placed a piece of paper between the two pages in his book and shut the book gently. He picked up the phone with a soft, "Good evening. I apologize for the inconvenience, but we closed-" the angel started.
"It's me, angel," a dark and soothing voice spoke.
"Oh, good evening, Crowley dear!" Aziraphale spoke enthusiastically.
"Yea, yea, evenin'. Listen, I was heading to the park, and I knew I was going to pass your place -" Crowley began.
"I would love to come! I'll be ready to leave in exactly 10 minutes!" Aziraphale loved to go on walks, especially with Crowley.
"K', see ya then, angel," they quickly hung up.
Aziraphale threw his book onto the couch he was sitting on and jumped up, smiling to get ready. Crowley hopped in his black Bently and sped off, leaving a trail of smoke from his exhaust pipe behind him.
10 minutes had passed, and Aziraphale was looking at himself in the mirror. He licks his 2 fingers and tries to tame his unruly hair. It didn't work. He hears 3 knocks on the door and a certain demon calling his name.
"Be down in a second, Crowley!" Aziraphale announced.
Aziraphale walked down the old set of stairs and smiled at Crowley. The demon walked to the last step and stared at Aziraphale with love filling his serpent eyes. The angel looks so beautiful and adorable in blue.
"You were absolutely right, Crowley, blue happens to be quite dashing on me, if I do say for myself," Aziraphale agusted his blue and white bow tie.
They looked into each other's eyes and almost touched souls before they both realized they were inches apart. Not to mention their bright red faces staring at each other. Crowley backed away and stormed to his car.
"Get in, angel," Crowley gestured with a hand movement.
Aziraphale trotted along happily to the demon's car and braised himself for the driving of Anthony J. Crowley. The demon notices this and begins to slow down, feeling bad that he scared the poor angel. Aziraphale noticed it and was about to question the acts of the demon before they arrived at the park. Aziraphale hopped out of the vehicle and impatiently waited for the demon to step out of the car. As soon as he did, the angel grabbed his hand, and the demon became blush red. Aziraphale pulled him to the bench they normally sat at.
The angel was too busy waiting to see the mass beauty of the sun setting to notice that he never let go of the demon's hand. The demon noticed, hell, it was the only thing that the demon could think about.
"Crowley! You're missing the sun setting!" As Aziraphale pointed at the sun, he squeezed Crowley's hand.
Crowley didn't look at the sun. He was gazing with love at the pure and handsome angel grasping his hand tightly. As the sun went down, Aziraphale turned to Crowley and finally realized that they were hands. Aziraphale jumped away from Crowley and jerked his hand away. The demon jumped away as well and quickly looked at his feet, trying to hide his flushed red face from his angel friend.
"I'm sorry, you grabbed my hand, and I don't know why I couldn't let go?!" Crowley faced away from Aziraphale.
"Don't apologize, Crowley, people can hold hands and still just be friends, right?" Aziraphale questioned.
Crowley looked back at the angel as they slowly moved closer. They slowly slid their hands together on the bench. As the sun disappeared over the horizon, their lips softly pressed against each other. Crowley took his other hand and placed it opoun the angel's cheek as they continued to softly kiss into the night time.
They slowly moved apart, breaking off the kiss. They looked at each other for a split second, before the angel jumped back with a shocked expression on his face and bolted. Crowley stretched out his arm, he was so ashamed of himself no words were able to come out of his mouth. He then realized why Aziraphale was running, he was being watched by Gabriel, who was now glaring at Crowley, and snapping his finger. Gabriel disappeared, then reappeared next to Aziraphale, then in a second they were both gone. Crowley felt like dying, he looked down at the ground in shame and humiliation.

"Crowley!" Beelzebub spoke fearsly, "I'm very impressed with you!"

"What, why?" Crowley stood up and whipped his face.

Crowley x Aziraphale Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin