"AH! You got me! You win! I give up!"

I started laughing. He stopped after a while. I used my shirt to wipe my face. I went back to giving him, his bath. He went back to playing with his water toys.

When he was done with his bath, I drained the water and picked him up. I put his feet on the ground and grabbed a towel and started drying him.

"Do you want to do anything tomorrow?"

He shrugged. I got him dressed then he brushed his teeth.

"You wanna go to bed early?"


He walked over to the bed and I helped him get on it. I tucked him in.

"I'll be right back."

I got ready for bed quickly.

"Okay. I'm back."

I looked and saw he was already sleeping.


I turned off the main lights. I left the bathroom light on. I laid down and texted Pixelle for a while. The light from my phone was starting to bother Bolt.

I turned my phone off and put it down.

"Sorry buddy."

I woke up before him. I went through things to do. A text came over my phone. I saw it was train tickets.

Oh thank god.

It's on Tuesday.


I looked at Bolt and carefully woke him up.

"Hey Bolt?"

He opened his eyes.

"Guess what? On Tuesday....we're going home."

His face lit up.



He jumped up and started hugging me.

"Awww buddy. Do you want to do something today?"

He nodded.

"Where are we goin'? Wanna go see some animals?"


"How about...we go somewhere for breakfast? Does that sound good?"

He nodded.


"I wanna wear my new shirt!"

"It's not clean. I'm sorry. I didn't do laundry yet."

He started to get upset.

"Buttttt don't worry. I'll wash it when we get back. You'll be able to wear it tomorrow then."


We got ready then Bolt ran to the door. He stood on his toes and started reaching for the door handle.

"I'm coming. I'm coming."

I put my backpack on. I walked over to Bolt. I opened the door and we walked out of the room. I shut the door. Bolt started holding my hand.

"You excited? We're going home in a few days."

"Yeah! Yeah!"

We got in the car and I drove to the restaurant for kids that Pixelle told me about. He got excited when his food came out.

"Relax. Take a breath then start eating."

We started eating and I watched him eat. I wanted to make sure, he wasn't choking or inhaling his food. He got upset when he ran out of fruit.

"Awww buddy. I'll see if I can get you some more."

I found our waitress.

"Excuse me? Can he have another fruit cup? He finished his and he seems upset."

"Awww of course. I'll be back in a bit."

"Thank you."

She walked away. She came back with another fruit cup.

"Here you go!"

"Yay! Tank you!"

"Awww you're welcome! He is so precious!"

"Thank you."

She walked away and he started eating his fruit cup.

"Do you have a favorite?"

He nodded. He picked up a grape, banana, and strawberries.

"Ah. Those are good. Want me to ask mommy to go get some?"


I took my phone out and texted Pixelle and told her.

"Alright. She knows."

Alec: Holy fuck!

"What now Alec?"

Alec: There's definitely a bond between you and Bolt! You'll definitely be able to mindlink him!

"Phew. That's a relief. I can probably mindlink with Novalia too right?"

Alec: Well yeah...obviously...

We finished eating then I paid. He needed his diaper changed so I did that.

"I cannot wait for you to be potty trained."

We got back in the car.

"Still wanna see animals?"

He nodded with a smile.


We got to the zoo and I hopped out of the car.

I should bring the stroller.

I set the stroller up and put Bolt in it.

My Little WolfWhere stories live. Discover now