1 Boom

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Chapter 1

The rays of sunshine made her perfect, tan skin look golden, and Maya couldn't help but reach out and touch it. Small whimpers left her wife's lips as she slept contently. Carina had only moved back in a couple of weeks ago, and yet, this felt completely normal. Everything was as it should be.

Maya used to be scared of everything that domesticity entailed, but now she couldn't image her life any other way. She would quit her job and become a housewife if it made Carina happy.

Maya was startled when she felt a kiss on her nose, so deep in her thoughts she hadn't even noticed her wife waking up.

"Hi, what are you thinking about?" Carina asked as she twirled soft, blonde hair around her finger.

"Do you want me to quit my job?" The words left Maya's lips before she had time to stop them.

"What!?" Carina chuckled as she had no idea why her wife, who loved her job, would ask her that.

"I just- you're always saying how worried you are about me, and you have the right to be, especially-.... Especially if we want to have a baby. I don't want to risk anything"

Carina sat up slightly, leaning against the headboard, feeling it was turning into a serious conversation. Maya followed.

"Bambina- I know you love your job, I love how much you love your job, and I would never ask you to quit. As for the risk part, yes it's not the safest, but living is not the safest. Anything could happen anyone at anytime, and there is no way to prevent that. I could get hurt at work too, there is no guarantee I wont, but we can't live our lives after the 'what if's', because we would never be happy."

Carina suddenly saw Maya's lip quiver and quickly took her into her arms.

"Sorry, I just- please don't ever talk about you getting hurt again, I don't think I could handle that" Maya let out a pained chuckle and pulled back to wipe her tears.

"I'm sorry, I wont, prometto. Now, how do you feel about french toast, huh?"

Carina grabbed both Maya's hand and led her out to the kitchen, smiling widely, quite amused by her wife's emotional reaction.

"You know how I feel about french toast" Maya mused and brought her wife into a loving kiss.


Carina's day looked much the same as most days at the hospital, except the slightly heavy feeling in her heart. A couple of weeks ago, she had a patient, a young first time mom. She had come into the ER with her boyfriend when she started having cramps. Since she was almost due, she had assumed she was in labor, but after Carina did some tests, she realized it was not the case and there was a bleed in the woman's uterus. She and Dr Wilson had spent hours in the OR, desperately trying to stop the bleed, but to no avail. There was nothing more they could have done and neither the mother or baby survived.

It was way harder to deliver those kind of news now that she had a wife, and they had plans of trying for a baby, than it was in the beginning of her career.

She could se the heartbreak in the boyfriends eyes, and she had to try hard to not break down herself.

Carina had only lost a handful of patients in her career, and walking through the hospital now, it was hard not to think about it.

Before she knew it she stood in front of an empty OR 3. She had no surgeries planned, no real reason to be there, but she walked in anyway. Putting her hands on the metal table, the table where Amanda Foster and her baby had died, she closed her eyes and willed the tears away. Carina was not a religious person at all, but she found herself begging whatever was out there, that they were both in a better place.

Suddenly, the door to the OR swung open with such force, it left an indent in the wall. Her eyes met his steely, blue gaze and she stood frozen in chock for a few seconds. She didn't know his name as there wasn't time for introductions when his girlfriend was dying, but she would recognize his eyes anywhere.

They weren't blue like Maya's, hers were like a warm Sicilian sea that you could just swim around in for hours. His were like ice, and they looked completely empty, like he was just a shell of a person.

"One of your doctor friends said you went this way, I was hoping I'd find you in here. Makes everything more efficient, you know, three birds one stone"

"Three birds...What are you talking about?" Carina was lost, she thought he must have gone crazy.

"Me" He said and pointed to himself.

"You" He said and pointed at Carina.

"And this room" He said and waved his arm around.

She was still confused, but let her eyes wander down his body. He was wearing a long, black coat, something that was far too warm for early May. She then noticed the coat gained an odd shape around his torso, bulky, angular. Before she even processed what it was she saw, her pulse quickened and cold drops of sweat formed on her face. Her hands started shaking and she almost felt nauseous.

"I really don't want to have to do this Dr Deluca, but it's the only way" He stated, with a sadistic smile.

He took a step closer and Carina instinctively tried to get away, immediately backing into the operation table. She realized her phone was in the pocket of her coat, as was her hand. Without drawing attention to it, she tried to text someone, anyone. Her plan quickly failed when she got a noisy page. His gaze left hers and followed the noise to her pocket.

"Did you really think you would get away with that? Take it out and put it on the table, then put your hands up"

She had no choice but to follow orders, seeing as his hand was now tucked in the front of his coat, holding what Carina guessed to be the trigger of the explosive.

"Please, please, you don't have to do this" Carina pleaded, tears now running down her face.

"YES! YES I DO! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND! NO ONE DOES!" He yelled manically.

"You're right, I don't. I can't even imagine, because imagining living in a words where my wife doesn't, hurts too much. What I do understand is that Amanda would not want this. Your son would not want this." Her voice was shaky and broke between every word.

Somehow, this seemed to work. His hand was still on the trigger, and his stance aggressive, but his gaze softened visibly. Carina thought herself to see tears coating his eyes, but she didn't have time to look closely. The door burst open and In his shock, the man must have turned around too quickly and pressed down on the button.

The sound was deafening and Carina didn't have time to react as she was thrown in the air, hitting the back wall of the OR. Then everything was black.

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