Side Story 3: "You've Change, In A Good Way." (Canon)

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"Luffy is best boy" - talking

'Luffy is best boy' - thinking

"Luffy is best boy" - screaming

"Luffy is best boy" - Den den Mushi




3rd POV

Borsalino always seen together with both Sakazuki and Kuzan, walking in between the magma and ice devil fruit user with a smile on his face. Even if they all are under different superiors.

Weirdly enough they always hang out together. Even though they all have different personalities and justices. What a weird bunch.

The light devil fruit user always observed people around him, especially on Sakazuki and Kuzan. How he can tell what in their thoughts or when he can tell slight change in both of Sakazuki and Kuzan. He know how both of his friends relationship change ever since Zhongli become their teacher and mentor in training.

In a good way of course, both the magma user and the ice user still bickering like there's no tomorrow, like cat and dog, oil and water. Though there's a slight change in their tones of voices. There's no more anger, annoyed or hate in them. Just two people arguing like a siblings rivalry? Something like that.

Borsalino find it kinda amusing and cute in a way. Adorable if he must say.

Sakazuki are more calm than usual, he's now can tolerate others opinions and becoming less angry. He more relaxed now.

Kuzan seem to be less annoyed around Sakazuki, and now he doesn't mind if Sakazuki sit next to him. They both can have a decent conversation with each other without the urge to kill one of another.

Borsalino smiled and felt happy with this changes of both Sakazuki and Kuzan. Their relationship became much healthier and now both have a healthy rivalry with each other.

The light user also took notice on Sakazuki took a few glance at Kuzan whenever the ice user got injured after his mission. The slight worries in his eyes but go back to those emotionless stare when his eyes meet Kuzan.

Borsalino sometimes tease the magma user about how he worried about Kuzan well being. Of course Sakazuki denied it.

He will never admit it to Borsalino.

You should see how red Sakazuki ears are when he denied how he worried about Kuzan. Sure a amusing scene to watch.

Kuzan never really care about Sakazuki, not the slightest. But he sometimes admire Sakazuki in strength without using his devil fruit. How he has a long way to go. Even though both his and Sakazuki strengths are about the same level. And of course he would never admit it, no way in hell he going admit that! he would never boost the magma man ego.

Like Borsalino, Kuzan also took noticed of the slight change of Sakazuki. How he more calm than usual, how he begins to listen to other opinions and less angry with other.

It did make Kuzan uncomfortable at first from sudden change of heart and behaviour. But than again, he prefer this version of Sakazuki, less angry and more calm.

He wasn't too bad to talk with when the man less angry. Kuzan take noted to thanked Zhongli for making Sakazuki calm and more tolerable.

The said magma user notice his own change of behaviour, he noticed he became more calm than usual and less angry after he meet Zhongli.

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