"Mom is going off about her still paying her penthouse which is dumb because she's moved in with you." Moved in with me? I mean we've never discussed it and I feel like there has to be an official decision or words to confirm that. Where are the laws about that? What's considered moved in and what's not? It also birthed another crucial thought in my head. I've never been to her penthouse. The place that was hers and showed who she was. What she found comfortable, what colors she finds warmth in, if she's one of those who don't cook her own the most expensive pot sets and cast irons. The bed she laid and thought of me in.

I straightened my posture, "moved in well... I mean we haven't talked about it...I just figured she..." ok technically she was moved in—of course—but again it's the words that make it official. Right? I laugh nervously as I continue to think further about the whole thing. They just opened up a whole new world in my head.

I felt Rummy rub herself on my leg and took this time to show her off and help me get my mind off the conversation, "Meet my daughter! I know you guys may have seen her through social media and photons but here she is live!" I grabbed her and her body extended with her belly showcasing that she stopped by after a nice meal.

"So Hank and Rummy stay at yours too? No part-time custody between places?" I frowned as my plan of diversion didn't work and repositioned Rummy to hold her like a baby. This gave me the ability to not answer any further questions from either of the women In my kitchen. Perhaps I regret just a teeny bit inviting them without Rosie's knowledge because she would've been here already taking over the conversation. So I moved away and went up the stairs where I was met with Roseanne brushing her hair using my vanity and my products (as well as some of hers but that's beside the point).

I put Rummy down and tapped her shoulder to have her look at me, "How come you haven't brought your face things from your place? Like your other skin stuff and other products that you use in your everyday life...or perhaps not every day—"

"Are you asking about my sex toys?" She asked out of the blue—or maybe not entirely out of the blue.

"What?—no I'm talking about your other belongings like...I mean you basically live here so why don't you like move in," I found it hard to sign it because I've never had someone move in with me but clearly I wasn't unfamiliar with the idea of sharing a bed with someone 5 times a day since I'm doing it already. "You kind of are moved in already but like officially. I figured it's official when you discuss it." Right?

She placed the brush down and nodded gently, "ok, I can move in. I don't know why I haven't already but I guess you're right, we haven't discussed it so maybe that's why." She stood up from the seat and fanned her face with her hands before diverting the conversation, "So about sex toys...we haven't discussed that either."

"Your mom and Alice are here! Surprise!" I said distracting her from the topic—not that I didn't want to talk about it at all because it was a topic of interest...just not when her mom's presence is within a mile radius.

"They never listen to me! I've told them to not come unannounced." I quickly stopped her from storming downstairs and told her that I had invited them, which also made sense as to why I said surprise. She stopped in her tracks and her eyes lowered, terrifying me for a split second, "Well...ok that's fine just let me know next time. Although I'm glad they're here I have something to share with you guys."

I felt like most of dinner was torture. It also felt like Roseanne was lying to take revenge when she said she had something to tell us. I was on edge all dinner as we ate our Pastitsio and conversed about our lives as parents--me working and Rosie being a stay-at-home mom-- and our unofficially moved-in scenario. 

Usually, when it came to news or discussing anything or everything Rosie told me right away which told me one thing, it was important news. Of course, I had to overthink what the news was because I'm nosy and absolutely have to know--if it's even real news and she's not just teasing me. 

Rosie tapped my shoulder and tried to take a peek at my face as my head hung while I brainstormed every outcome of how dinner was going to end. I snapped my head up, "You k?" she asked. I assured her that I was and then smiled at them as I split my food with a fork and took a bite. "Ok well..." She cleared her throat, "I'm glad that you're all here because I have something to tell you guys." 

And finally, after making the worst scenarios to ever exist I got my answer to a scenario that I didn't even think about but was elated to know, "You're going to sign with another contract?" I jumped out of my seat while her mom was rocking side to side with her hands clasped, a huge heartwarming smile painted on her well-cared-for face. 

I was far too happy about the news because up until recently I spent time blaming myself for the outcome of her career and her choosing me over her dream. I mean not that I wasn't glad that she chose me but It was selfless of her and selfish of me for not being more understanding of her life as a celebrity. With therapy and growing closer to each other, I knew that we were both prepared for anything and sticking together. It was almost like I no longer had a fear when it came to her leaving--I still know that anything could happen in the future but as of now I wasn't afraid of her leaving or ignoring me which is a huge difference compared to me a couple of months were every thought was filled with insecurity. 

I couldn't help but hug her as I peppered kisses all over her pretty face, "It's been a couple of weeks since I've been talking to the people there and it was so hard for me to keep it a secret. I should probably add that it isn't just me signing and Blackpink is still going to be blackpink. Although I hope we will have more freedom when it comes to solo projects, I do have a lot of songs that I would love to release that have been collecting dust in my notebook." And this was even better because my blame also extended over to the girls. 

"I'm so glad Rosie poop, you definitely deserved something better than that trash company who didnt treat you guys well." Rosies mom nodded in agreement and went on a rant that if she knew YG was going to treat her like trash she would've never let her go--even though those were her initial thoughts from the beginnign until her husband, Mason, convinced her that she was going to be alright. My arms hung around her neck as my head was next to hers. Her hands found mine and she held them, "I just hope things do turn out better regarding your behavior and the compnaies behavior." Alice shot a glare at her younger sister. "And i especially hope that one day you guys are able to reveal yourselves as a happy couple. I'm sure fans would love to see you happy with Y/n, the way we see you, right eomma?" the older woman nodded again. 

"I hope so too. I hope I have the privilege to show my fans who makes me as happy as they do." 


Yeah another short chapter so what..

I just needed to like quickly announce that Rosie will still have a career after a ruined it in this story (BOOOO ME!! TOMATOES TOMATOES). I also only have 30 minutes until I have to head to work and I decided to stop it here because I know that when i come back my bed will be the only thing to know about my ex 

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