"You what?" She stopped and turned to me quickly "what did you say?"

"I said I want you to be mine, I want to be your boyfriend, I want to take you out on dates, hold you in my arms and never let you fall!" I finished as I stood looking into her eyes

"You want to be with me?" Her eyes widened

"I know it's stupid I've known you for a week but I feel drawn to you, intrigued you're not like other girls Miss. Thirlwall" I slowly sat down on the couch, she stood their speechless I just put my head in my hands expecting her to just walk out but that's when the most unusual thing happened

She walked over and sat down beside me resting her head on my shoulder and her hand on my knee

"Sam, this is the thing" she began I looked up at her

"You don't feel the same and I'm being crazy? I knew it" I finished her sentence and stood up

"No let me finish" she took a deep breathe "I have to tell you something and then at the end of it all then you can decide whether you still feel the same okay?" She explained I sat on the table in front of her and held her hands

"Okay" I slowly kissed one of her hands before she began

"It was a year ago I was dating this guy, Jason. He was really sweet, he took me to the movies and out for dinner but then one day it all changed." She stopped to compose herself I just held her hands tighter letting her know I was there for her "well one night at his apartment we were just cuddling and then we started kissing but he was becoming to controlling forcing himself more and more onto me I pushed him off and told him I didn't want to you know" a tear fell from her eye, I just wiped it away

"Beautiful it's okay you don't have to continue I understand" I said softly rubbing her cheek she ignored me and continued anyway

"He forced himself on me again so I slapped him, and got up and away from him. But he didn't like hearing no I tried to run but he grabbed me he started hitting me I ended up falling to the ground, and he didn't stop he beat me so badly and they he just left me laying there. Jesy finally came home and found me but by that time I was unconscious all I remember is waking up in the hospital after it all. This is why I don't like being touched or doing things that remind me of him" by the time she finished tears were streaming down her perfect little cheeks I didn't say anything I just grabbed her and pulled her close to me as she cried into my shoulder I ran my fingers through her hair

"Shh I've got you and ill never let you fall, I will always protect you" I said softly as I just held Jade close to me


Jades POV

"Thank you for everything, from last night, to driving me home, to listening to me" I shot Sam a smile as we parked out the front of mine and the girls apartment

"It's okay beautiful, I'd do anything to see that beautiful smile of yours" he slowly rubbed his thumb on my cheek

"I best be going" I said slowly opening the door

"But when can I see you next?" He asked

"I'll text you okay" I smiled "oh and Sam"

"What is it?" He asked looking over at me

"I will be yours, ill be your girlfriend" I said excitedly I looked at his big brown eyes widen and his smile grow as I said it

"Are you sure beautiful?" He asked in shock

"I've never been more sure in my life" I said leaning back into his car, he slowly leaned in to place a kiss on my lips but instead I turned and he kissed my cheek

"Jade?" He looked at me in shock

"I don't kiss on the first date" I winked "I'll call you later" I finally said turning and closing the door

"See you later beautiful" he shouted threw the window before slowly driving off.

I slowly crept back into the apartment trying not to wake anyone I slowly closed the door trying to make sure it didn't make a sound

"Jade!" A voice said behind me

"What the?" I said turning quickly "geez Leigh are you trying to give me a heart attack" I said holding my chest

"I want some answers! Why are you only getting home now" she narrowed her eyes at me before breaking into laughter "sorry Jadey I can't keep a serious face" she giggled

"I thought you were actually serious" I laughed with her

"But seriously how was your night, was Sam good to you" she winked tapping me on the arm

"Let's just say he was a gentleman and he may or may not of asked me out" I said walking into the kitchen placing my bag on the counter

"WHAT!" She said excitedly "like to be his girlfriend?" Her eyes widened as she sat on the seat next to the counter

"Hmm I guess you could say that" I smiled grabbing a cup from the cupboard to make myself a cup of tea "want one?" I asked looking back at Leigh

"Nah I'm good, now tell me about what you said what happened?"

"What happened? Did he do something" Jesy said rushing in rubbing her eyes

"Good morning Jesy" I smiled

"Shh, Jade was just telling me about her night, Sam asked her out" Leigh giggled as Jesy's eyes widened as she took a seat next to Leigh

"Well go on then Jade" Jesy smiled so I began

"We went bowling first and I was distant like I always am, but then I got to know him and he taught me how to bowl. He then invited me back to his and that's when I called you nervously" I took a sip of my tea

"And then?" Leigh asked

"Well he gave me some tea and we sat on the couch of course he gave me space, he then asked if I wanted to go home cause I got a text from you. But I said I was happy to stay and I'd love to you know, go out with him on another date" I took a deep breath "we ended up watching a movie which I fell asleep to and woke up in his arms"

"Aww Jadey" they both said together

"Shh you" I smiled and continued "there was a thunder storm which you know I hate so he looked after me and gave me his bed but I made him stay and he slept next to me with his arm around me" I smiled brightly "it wasn't till morning where I kinda freaked out a bit I thought staying was a bad idea so I tried to rush out I put my guard up again"

"But he didn't let you go?" Leigh asked puzzled

"Well he said that he wanted to protect me and for me to be his so I explained everything with Jason and even then he still wanted to be with me so after he drove me back here I said yes" I took another sip of my tea and sat next to the girls

"Jadey I'm so happy for you" Jesy smiled

"Same here Jade you deserve to be happy and I think Sam can do that" Leigh smiled

"Why you all so proper happy about?" Perrie asked yawning finally joining us

"Morning sleepyhead" Leigh shouted

"Leigh-Anne don't yell it's to early" Perrie whined

"It's 11 already" Jesy held up her phone

"Gah to bright" Perrie said pushing the phone back "now what's the good news" she asked

"Jadeys got a boyfriend" Jesy said like a little kid

"Baba, you and Sam?" Perrie asked turning to me

"Yes as of this morning" I smiled

"Aww baba" she embraced me in a big hug "I'm proper happy for you" the other girls joined in the hug I guess dating Sam would be my fresh start my time to move forward with my life and I was ready for that!

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