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I slowly opened my eyes, only to realise that it was pitch black all around me.darkness is all over and everywhere I see. I didn't know where I was or how I got there, but the pain in every part of my body told me that something terrible had happened.It was hard trying to move my body. I don't know what was the reason behind this pain . Maybe somebody had beaten me badly or maybe I'm waking up after some days so my body is weak.

I tried to move, but the pain intensified, making me wince with every slight twitch. I'm so confused.How did I get here? what has happened? The last thing I remember is that I was sleeping and at midnight I heard the sound of something falling .But what happened after I went to check is something I can't remember. I then tried to call out, but my voice was hoarse and weak, barely above a whisper.I feel so helpless right now.

My mind is all over the place. I'm scared. I don't know anything about this whole situation. who brought me here and why. So many questions I'm dying to get answers for.There was no response, no echo, no indication that anyone was nearby.

The darkness around me felt suffocating, as if it was pressing down on me from all sides. I had never felt so alone and scared in my entire life.I then tried to move again, this time more slowly and carefully. I felt the rough ground beneath me and something cold and hard on my side. I moved my hands to touch the object, but my fingers only brushed against sharp edges.I gasped in pain as my fingers touched the object, and I could feel that it was metal. Panic set in as I realised that I was lying on some sort of metal surface, but I had no idea what it was.

I started to crawl, feeling for any other objects or signs of life. But there was nothing, only emptiness and darkness.

I desperately tried to recall what had happened, but my mind was blank. I couldn't remember anything at all.

Suddenly it hit me!


I stepped out of my office building, my heart pounding in my chest. I couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching me, following me. My eyes scanned the empty street, looking for any sign of danger. My steps quickened, as I tried to make my way to my car as fast as possible.

Every sound in the vicinity was magnified in my head. The scraping of a garbage bin against the curb sent a shiver down my spine, making me jump at the slightest sound. I wrapped my jacket more tightly around myself and walked faster.

As I neared my car, I saw a shadow move out of the corner of my eye. My heart skipped a beat, and I turned around quickly, looking for the source of the movement. But there was no one there. No one that I could see, anyway.

I felt a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead, my mind racing. Was I imagining things? Has someone really been following me? My usually rational mind was now clouded with panic, and I could feel my breaths getting shallower and faster.

I fumbled to unlock my car, my fingers shaking uncontrollably. As soon as I got inside, I locked the doors and started the engine. I felt a wave of relief wash over me as I put the car into gear and pulled out onto the deserted street.But the feeling of being followed stayed with me, haunting me like a ghost. I couldn't shake it off, and even as I drove home, I kept glancing nervously into my rearview mirror, half-expecting to see someone there. I knew I had to find a way to calm down, but my mind was blank. The only thing I could think of was to get home as fast as possible, and hope that the feeling of being watched would go away on its own.

Now I remember that I was being stalked.I don't know if it was the same stalker or someone else who has kidnapped me.Who is behind all of this? I was thinking hard about it and it was causing me a headache.I felt something, like some animal's skin. it even sounded like an animal .I tried to reach out to touch it, but it moved away too quickly. I then heard a sound, a sort of growling or snarling, and knew that the animal was probably dangerous.

I huddled in a corner, scared and alone, and waited for the dawn to break. I had no idea what the morning would bring, but I knew that I had to be ready for anything.what was that! Was it real? How did I get here.The pain in my head is not letting me have the ability to remember anything.

My mind is blank and I'm feeling a bit dizzy. but even in this pain I have an eerie feeling.something about the whole situation is off. I have a feeling .Whatever reason I'm here,it's not going to be good. Something very dangerous is coming. but ...

All I can do is now wait....

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