what the signs do when they're high

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what the signs do when they're high

aries: runs around the streets screaming

taurus: yells, "I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE SPONGEBOB" to a pineapple

gemini: sleep walks while eating pizza rolls

cancer: ice bucket challenge

leo: rolls in mud yelling "OINK"

virgo: eats with their eyes wide open

libra: yells "I LOVE SEX"

scorpio: goes to a fire and moans 'firrrrreeeee why are you so hot'

sagittarius: throws french fries at people

capricorn: goes crazy and flys to Antarctica to pet a penguin

aquarius: goes up to people whispering 'luke i am your father'

pisces: lays on the ground tumbling around


okay so i just started writing this texting story called 'group chat' and it's basically one direction and 5 seconds of summer in a group chat togETHER ND I LOVE WRITING IT so you guys should check it out (shameful self promotion ik ik) and maybe give it a vote and comment if u started reading it bc 'zodiac signs' brought you there ok thanks for reading this bye !!

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