Santiago gives me a brief smile before stepping closer to Finn with his hands raised up to show he is not a threat.

"Finn I am going to tell you something and I need you to take me very seriously." Santiago demands.

He looks tense which puts me on edge as I have no idea what he's planning.

"Tell me? What's this about and why are you wearing a cleaners uniform?" Finn insists.

"There's going to be a riot if it hasn't already started." Santiago explains.

"What?" Finn and I exclaim at the same time.

A riot? I have no idea whether he is joking or not.

"I don't have time to explain ..." Santiago rambles just as we hear a loud crash in the distance followed by lots of yelling.

"What was that?" Finn exclaims walking towards the door to peep out.

"The riot I was about to warn you about." Santiago reminds him.

Shit! He is serious. Is this how the Johnson siblings are meant to die? In prison riots? This cannot be the end of my journey. I have so much to do.

"Cesar." I whisper feeling very scared.

"It's okay mami, I've got you." He reassures me.

I want to believe him, I really do but my brother died in this same prison during a riot. I do not want to follow the same fate.

"Finn I need you to listen to me." Santiago requests walking. towards Finn looking impatient

"I need to get Hannah back to the break room." Finn retorts completely ignoring Santiago.

"No you aren't going to do that. That's where they are going to hit first." Santiago informs him.

Doris! Wyatt! Dr. Matthew?! All of my colleagues are in danger.

Finn steps back from the doors and starts pacing running his hands in his hair nervously, his hand over his gun ready to deploy at any moment.

"Finn listen to me." Santiago pleads.

He stops pacing long enough to look at us. "What?" Finn growls looking on edge.

At least he's armed. I'm like a deer in a lion's cave, just waiting to be devoured.

"I need you to leave this bathroom and find some place safe for yourself until all this situation is handled." Santiago instructs him.

"Okay, I'll take Hannah with me." Finn says approaching me.

"No, Hannah is coming with me." Santiago retorts.

Did I just hear him right? He wants me to go with him?

"Did you just ask me to leave a civilian in here with you?" Finn asks unholstering his gun.

I tense at how fast the situation is escalating fearing for my life and Santiagos. If Finn deems him a threat, he will shoot and he will be justified for it.

"Now before you get trigger happy listen to me." Santiago demands trying to diffuse the situation.

"Listen to you? What do you want with her?" Finn yells.

"Same thing you want, to keep her safe. She's mine." Santiago assures him.

"Yours? What do you mean yours?" Finn asks looking even more confused, his hold on his gun firmer than ever ready to fire at a moment's notice.

"You've delivered letters to me over the past couple of months. Who were they from?" Santiago asks.

He's trying to establish our relationship with Finn so that he can trust him.

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