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Ace's pov...

From the past few days I have been trying so hard to get his attention but he doesn't even look at me... Even TharnType uncle support me but still it's so hard to impress him...

Today he was working on his laptop when I walked in with his favourite food...

"Stop don't dare to enter... Get out" he said but still smiling I walked in and placing the food on the table I began to feed him...

"Ace I m telling you stop,I can eat by myself"  before he can say I shoved food into his mouth and the guy pouted looking at me with his big eyes...

"I love you you are so cute" I said pulling his cheeks and he slapped my hands...

"I hate you" he said and I just wanted to kiss him... But at that moment I decided to run away and began to collect important papers in staff room...


In the evening I brought some roses for Nora and saw he was in the meeting looking exhausted as discussion with other party was going on and on...

"Don't be dumb mister Nora...I want my money back otherwise I will kill you "

" Ok we will see about that but incase you want your money back that's not gonna happen because I know you are just scamming me, we have already did the payment and it's just that I trusted you and did it personally without any evidence" he said wiping the sweat over his face and he indeed looks scared

"I will kill you just wait and watch" standing up he was about to walk towards him but I punched him and the guy fell down...

"You"the guy looked at me...

"Just stay away if you gonna hurt him, I will make sure to break your bones" I said and scared he ran away with his men glaring at me...

" Nora you ok? " I asked touching his face and Rubbing his nose he stood and Infront of everyone slapped me looking at me angrily...and then all the employees came there looking at us..

"Ace don't you dare to cross your limits, don't you dare to touch me...i didn't asked you to interfere in our matter, Don't you forget you are just an employee ,you are just a nobody to me"he yelled insulting me Infront of everyone and the bouquet of rose fell down from my other hand...

I just turned around and left that place, I began to walk and finally reached near a lake and sat down there thinking how fucked up my life is...

I was born in a poor family so since childhood I was just doing odd jobs and never really did anything then I met Sea who was my school mate and as a stupid fellow I fell in love with her, but we did a mistake that she got pregnant and wanted to abort,I agreed but at the end she didn't because she got emotional and gave birth to our daughter and we were so happy together but suddenly she asked me for breakup because she fell in love with her boss ... And then she left without caring about anyone or anything and never came back saying that she can't spend her life with a looser all her life...

Since then I raised my baby alone until I met Nora who took our responsibility... Slowly looking at his kindness, innocence I fell in love with him but forgot that he's a rich buisness man who's very reputated and I m just a nobody...

I love Nora and I will always love him there's no denying in that but somehow I think he doesn't accept me because of my status..

I stayed here for so long and late night I went home where Tharn uncle was still waiting for me...

"What happened? Why u came here at this time" He asked looking at me and I just smiled hiding my sadness...

" Nothing uncle I was just roaming around" I replied

" Ok anyways can u give this milk to Nora otherwise he will again feel weak tomorrow" he said and nodding I took it and went inside Nora's room where the guy was holding his head looking down...

"Nora I mean sir your milk" I said and he looked up at me with sad face...

"What happened?"

"Nothing happened and if you are angry then I m sorry, I didn't Meant to insult you,I know you hate me now"

" It's ok baby Nora...and I don't hate you,I still love you and will Always do" I said tapping his cheeks but he pouted...

"Shut up! Go away..." He said slapping my hands while drinking his milk...I took the glass when he finished and wiped his mouth and the guy Again hit my hands...

"One more time if you gonna hit me then I will kiss you" he immediately hit me again and bending down I held his face pinning him down...

"W-what are you doing? Stay Away,I already told you to stay in limit" he said making a serious face and I just stood up and stopped smiling...

"I m sorry" bending down I walked out of there and sat down on the couch...

"What happened? You look sad?"Type uncle asked sitting down beside me

"Yeah it's just whenever I try to touch or even impress Nora he always tell me to stay in limits...I know I m poor and I know my limits but I don't think love should have any limits...I don't think I can continue it anymore"

" Do whatever you feel is right for you but don't misunderstand Nora's word,when he says be in limits I don't think he ever means by your wealth or money because he knows the value of money and never ever disrespect anyone on the basis of their Nora is too good to even think about it...when he says be on limits mean he must be talking about something else"

" Really?you mean he doesn't care about my wealth"

" Offcourse not,no one does when it comes to love and those who do then it's not love" he says and I ran out of there walking inside his room I held his shoulder and he looked at me with wide eyes...

"What are you doing?"

"When you say be in your limits then what does you mean?"


" Please tell me what do you actually mean when you say that?" I asked and he Again pouted his lips but I need to think about it again...

"I mean you are younger than me and also a stranger and basically a creepy guy who always scare so that's why I tell you to be in your limits as I don't date kids" he said which did made me happy and disappointed at the same time

"for your information I m 28 just 5 years Younger, not a kid at all and second I won't stay in my limits from now onwards because i m limitless from today...I love you Nora baby so much" kissing him on his cheeks I ran away and he followed me and was about to hit me but I sat down beside Type uncle...

"What happened Nora? Why are you hitting him?" Type uncle asked and he just glared at me wiping his cheeks...

"Nothing momma good night" pouting his lips in anger the guy left and I just laughed looking at him...I was just so sad thinking about the things which doesn't even will be mine Nora soon wifey...

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