Royal family matters

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The next morning was as usual. The sun has risen and the bright sunny weather was visible everywhere. There weren't many people awake at this hour in the capital and all people in Jianying Palace were either resting or enjoying themselves. Jianying lay quietly sleeping on her bed and dreaming of the things she wished she could do in her new home, she didn't feel lonely anymore, since she was with the best friends that she ever had and now that there was something to distract her she fell asleep easily once again. But as Jianying was in dreamland she heard a loud bang. Jianying immediately opened her eyes and jumped out of bed, her heart beating wildly. "AHHHH!!!" shouted Jianying as she screamed loudly, causing the other members of the royal family to wake up in confusion. Jianying felt relieved "It's a dream... I can finally get rid of this nightmare..." she mumbled to herself and slowly got back to bed. "Is everything all right Jianying?" asked Yang Zi curiously as he looked at Jianying. Jianying nodded "Everything is fine, I just had a bad dream." Yang Zi nodded and returned to sleep. Jianying closed her eyes and soon fell asleep again.
In the middle of the night, Jianying woke up again. She was sweating profusely and her breathing was heavy. She was scared and confused. She didn't know where the noise was coming from. She slowly sat up, she had no clue what to do now, she wasn't in her palace anymore; it was completely dark. She grabbed her knife tightly and held onto my brother Wuhan this marriage problem!" added Jianying. Wuhan shook his head and laughed as he explained "I want to marry a woman who will respect me" said Wuhan. Jianying frowned "How can you not find any bride worthy enough yet? What if you like someone else? What if he does not respect you?" Asked Jianying worriedly.
"Jianying, we are talking about marrying an equal person, not just a mere wife or concubine." Replied Wuhan. Jianying nodded and looked down dejectedly. Her eyes began watering. "I will help you find a suitable candidate, and I'll make sure the wedding shall be very lavish and spectacular". Wuhan said smiling "don't lie to me Wuhan, you have it's alright, nothing bad will happen to you, I promise." Said Wuhan in reassurance. Jianying looked at Wuhan in surprise "I hope so brother" she replied while hugging him.
Jianying and Wuhan woke up early in the afternoon, both of them had slept through half the day. They went into the dining hall. Everyone was waiting for the couple to join them. "Good Morning everyone" greeted Wuhan while walking into the dining hall. Jianying and Wuhan sat beside each other "Brother of Wuhan where brother Fujian he ran away again from an assignment visit to the province?" asked Jianying annoyed. Wang Yao shook his head "Sorry but no I haven't seen him." Said Wang  Yao. Jianying looked disappointed "Brother of Wuhan please look after him." She begged "I will" assured Wuhan.
After eating breakfast, they started heading towards the imperial palace. When they reached the imperial palace they went straight to the imperial garden, which was close to the palace. On one side of the garden there was a long path leading to the main part of the gardens. They walked to the end of the trail and noticed that it led to a large white stone pillar. They came nearer and nearer to the pillar. Jianying and Wuhan stopped near the pillar. "Is this where I am supposed to get married?" Jianying asked. Wuhan shook his head "No, this was left by your father" said Wuhan. Jianying looked at the pillar confused, she thought it looked familiar somehow but couldn't remember where she'd seen it before "Why do you think my father would leave this here?" asked Jianying curiously, "Maybe it is the place where he first met your mother" replied Wuhan. Jianying shook her head "He never mentioned anything about meeting a girl named Xiao Lian" she said puzzled.
Just then a man in golden robes appeared from between two of the pillars, "Who are you!" "I received an envoy from the Ming Dynasty and I sent the Fujian brothers there," explained Jianying in confusion "Oh yes" she added nodding and smiling "But that letter didn't say why I was summoned" she  continued. "That letter was sent by the Qing Emperor" said Wuhan "The Qing Emperor is our ally, he always sends us envoys to see our kingdom, we always respond politely but if he asks us to meet personally then it means something must be going on" he explained calmly. Jianying nodded in agreement "What does that mean?" she asked. The golden robed man spoke again "Jianying please follow me to a nearby room" he said in an official tone "Yes sir!" replied Jianying and she turned around. The rest followed behind her. After they arrived at the nearest room Jianying realized that it was an empty room. "I am sorry Miss Jianying" said the golden robed man apologetically. "Where's Brother Wuhan and Sister LuZhaoxing?" she asked curiously. The golden robed man pointed into another room "That's where they're resting, I'm afraid they are still unwell so please allow me to take you to the Feng Family's guest room" he said. Jianying nodded and followed the man inside the room. Wuhan and LuZhaoxing entered the room behind Jianying. "Gosh how the unification of China is going to happen this is actually troublesome" muttered Shanghai glancing at Jianying.
Wuhan and Jianying followed the golden robed man and he led them to a small room. He knocked on the door and the servant opened the door "Please enter" said the man in the room. He welcomed the two brothers warmly.   Jianying entered the room first, she noticed the maidservant holding a tray of water and towels for them and bowed politely, Jianying also bowed in response.
Then Jianying noticed another young man sitting on the couch playing some board game and staring straight ahead, he looked a lot younger than Jianying, probably the same age as Jianying's brother, Wuhan. "Ahh I thought it was you, brother Wuhan" said Jianying as she approached Wuhan. Wuhan smiled awkwardly and nodded "Nice to meet you Jianying, I'm sorry for barging barging in like this." "It's ok, it is the prince and princess' bedroom afterall" replied Jianying, as she sat down on the bed. It was obvious that Wuhan hadn't been invited inside their room but Jianying didn't care, Wuhan was her brother and she didn't mind inviting him into their room whenever they needed e. Jianying smiled widely and said "So how long are you planning to stay here in the imperial city?" she asked, changing the subject. "Shanghai will explain" Wuhan pleaded handing him a bundle of Shanghai collar papers "You should read those properly and memorize all of it. If ever Shanghai needs something from you you know where to find me, I will gladly give it to you." He said with a smile. Shanghai nodded "Thank  you very much." He replied respectfully. Jianying chuckled quietly "This brother of mine is just too kind, I'm glad to have such a big brother," she said happily and leaned forward "Would you like some tea brother?" asked Jianying as she poured tea for herself and Wuhan. Shanghai nodded. Jianying brought out the teapot and cups. Shanghai watched Jianying pour the tea and looked at her with interest. "Jianying you really are beautiful, do you live in Beijing too?" he asked interested. Jianying shook her head "Nope not exactly, I live in the South of Guangdong province and I've always lived near here. I used to travel to and fro a lot" she said smiling. Shanghai smiled slightly and nodded "So you don't know   Prince Fu or His Highness, Lord Feng Yichen?" he asked curiously. Jianying nodded and replied "They are my friends" she replied enthusiastically. Shanghai raised an eyebrow and looked curious "Friends huh?". Jianying sighed heavily and rolled her eyes "Ok, I know you think I am just a simple girl and I am but..." "It's as if they forgot about history I mean future generations must know nothing about history in that past which is really worrying" Shanghai interrupted. Jianying pouted a bit "Alright, maybe I do live in Hong Kong but that doesn't mean that I don't know about what has happened." She retorted irritably. Shanghai laughed softly "Of course, of course, it doesn't matter what you call yourself"  he responded laughing "How many times have I told you, you shouldn't take anyone's words to heart" said Jianying irritated. Shanghai smiled again and replied "Yes Jianying it was only a question" he apologised. Jianying nodded in reply, "Anyway, you need not worry, as long as I'm alive, things won't deteriorate to such dire lengths." She said proudly. Shanghai smiled "I am indeed glad to hear that" he replied. Jianying nodded "Well I'm going now, good bye." She said standing up "Take care." replied Shanghai waving goodbye. Jianying nodded in return and exited the room.
Wuhan looked at Shanghai and whispered "What was that all about" he asked. Shanghai shrugged "Nothing special" he answered. Jianying returned to the room with some refreshments and handed Wuhan and LuZhaoxing some water bottles, "Here you both are, I bought these when I heard you were sick earlier, I think you'll feel better once you drink some water" she said pouring water for them. "Water??" questioned Wuhan "Why would I want water" he argued, he wasn't thirsty. Jianying chuckled, "Suit yourself, just remember to drink slowly so as not to choke, don't rush it. And make sure you drink plenty and not waste water" she advised him. Wuhan nodded reluctantly, "Sure thing." He replied. Jianying then proceeded to sit next to Shanghai on the couch, Wuhan looked at her nervously, "Are you feeling better brother he asked nervously. Shanghai nodded "Much better brother" he answered. Then Jianying looked at him curiously "Hey what is this box over there?" she asked pointing at the wooden box. Wuhan took it out, "Don't open it yet" he instructed. "What is wrong with it anyway?" she questioned curiously "It is a surprise" replied Wuhan. Jianying pouted and crossed her arms angrily "Can't I know beforehand what it is?!" She exclaimed. "Yes" replied Wuhan, "but I told you not to open it yet" insisted Wuhan. Jianying pouted even more irritated, "Fine fine," she agreed. 

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