The empress worries

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That night the wind was blowing hard, there was news that Xiomi's spies were kidnapped, making the empress shocked and furious how come Xiomi, Anming and their adopted sister Qiaofeng were like their own children to the empress.  She immediately ordered her soldiers to search for them. But it wasn't long until they found out that the two girls had escaped. The three of them hid on top of a hill, watching their guards searching everywhere for them. It wasn't long until the four of them had escaped the city, with Qiaofeng leading the way and Qiaofeng helping the twins to run faster than the guards.

Just moments later, a few soldiers came rushing towards the direction where the four girls were running. When the four of them saw that it was the soldiers from the guards, the three girls smiled weakly and nodded their heads in appreciation as if thanking them. However, the smiles on their faces quickly faded away. Once again, the four of them looked at each other sadly. They sighed heavily in despair. They didn't want to leave because they were worried about their families. Unfortunately, those guys had already caught up to them. The soldiers began to surround them, causing the four girls to begin to panic. Luckily they were smart enough to recognize the situation that they were in because they immediately recognized where they were. Even though it wasn't much farther than the palace dungeon, it was extremely far away from the capital.
Qiaofeng grabbed onto the neck of the youngest girl, which resulted in her losing consciousness. As she lost consciousness  "Hurry up and find Commander Xiaomi to meet him like my own son," the empress ordered her soldiers urgently while staring at the five guards around the four of them.

No need to hurry your highness. Your highness must wait for the right moment to attack Xiomi!" A soldier replied respectfully.
"Attack Xiomi? How is that possible?" the Empress roared furiously as she stood up angrily. Her anger was evident in her voice, which made the others even angrier.
"Yes, your highness! That's because the entire empire has already noticed Xiomeng has been secretly plotting against you." After speaking these words, one of the soldiers turned to the rest of the group and asked, "What do you think we should do? Should we capture Xiomeng as well?"
All the soldiers present nodded their heads, but none spoke up.
The Empress glared at them coldly for a while. Finally, she gritted her teeth and said, "You can arrest them but don't kill them. We'll discuss this tomorrow. Right now I'll go back to my room to rest…"
"Yes! Yes! Your highness!" All of the soldiers acknowledged her order. After saying that, they turned and ran away, heading towards their barracks. However, they stopped just a little way away from where the four of them were standing and continued looking towards them.
When the soldiers arrived in their barracks, everyone was asleep. However, they weren't stupid, thus all of them immediately woke up upon hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps from outside their room. Looking at each other nervously, some of them quickly ran out of the barracks while some of them hid in their rooms. Some of them didn't even bother changing out of their clothes, instead only hiding within their beds.
After being chased by the guards for quite a while, the Empress had managed to return safely home. She had immediately sent someone to notify Lin Zongzhi, the crown prince and the imperial concubines and informed them of what had happened in the royal court today. The four princesses then told them everything and explained how they had been captured. By the time they had finished telling them everything, the four of them were feeling anxious and frustrated.
They had always thought that if anything ever happened to the Emperor they would die too, so it had never crossed their minds that there would have been someone that cared enough to help them escape. Thinking about the possibility of death, they were unable to sleep and kept tossing and turning on their beds. Because of this they were unable to fall asleep the whole night.
After hearing about the incident, the emperor became enraged when he heard the report of what had happened. "How did the Xiomi warlords meet, everything and explained how they had been captured. By the time they had finished telling them everything, the four of them were feeling anxious and frustrated.
They had always thought that if anything ever happened to the Emperor they would die too, so it had never crossed their minds that there would have been someone that cared enough to help them escape. Thinking about the possibility of death, they were unable to sleep and kept tossing and turning on their beds. Because of this they were unable to fall asleep the whole night.
After hearing about the incident, the emperor became enraged when he heard the report of what had happened. "Qiaofeng how is the condition of the Xiomi warlord?" he asked while pacing up and down in his office.
"I'm afraid there won't be any better treatment for him." Upon hearing those words Qiaofeng sighed and looked at her father apologetically. She had seen how Xiomi treated her younger sisters as if they were trash, and she knew how brutal and cruel Xiomi was towards her family members. She couldn't believe that her sisters would be forced to become slave girls.
"Then why haven't we killed Xiomi? How come we haven't done it yet." Hearing the question the emperor turned around to look at his daughter, and asked her why they haven't killed the Xiomi warlord Qiaofeng hesitated slightly but still replied truthfully, "Because… The Xiomeng warlord has a strong ally that isn't easy to deal with."
"Who?" The Emperor questioned sternly after getting Qiaofeng to say that. The Empress and the four princesses all looked at her expectantly, but she shook her head indicating she didn't know who this powerful ally was.
Suddenly, the Empress's eyes lit up as she shouted loudly, "Qiaofeng, I have an idea. Why don't we invite the traitorous woman that you mentioned and make her marry our daughters?!" At this point she was so excited that she began to bounce up and down.

Xiomi the warlord of the Ming Dynasty Where stories live. Discover now