Xiaomi the stubborn one

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Normal POV
After removing the mask from her face, Qiaofeng laid back down onto the bed and sighed softly. A short while later, she rolled over onto her side and covered herself with the blankets. Her head was hurting tremendously so much that she felt that she would pass out. That's why she didn't bother trying to sleep any longer; she was tired anyway and knew very clearly that she couldn't fall asleep again no matter how hard she tried. Instead she lay there with her eyes wide open staring at the ceiling, thinking about what happened that day.
She remembered that it was almost dawn when her group arrived at the city walls. They had managed to save most of the imperial guards as well as the rebels from dying, but they hadn't saved Qiaofeng. After she rescued everyone except for her sister, she had escaped with her sisters and rushed into the underground tunnel in search of help. At first she was afraid to use her power, fearing that people would be alarmed by it as well as the fact that her powers could cause trouble for her and the others. However, once she reached the bottom of the tunnel, she immediately used her ability to locate her family members. She had told her older sister and elder brother what was happening, and although they weren't happy with her decision, they understood her reasoning and had supported her.
The four of them had then split up to cover less ground. Qiaofeng and the twins had searched around the underground tunnels and found traces of some rebel cells hiding in the area. They then split up and headed straight for the rebel leaders. At that time, the underground tunnels had been blocked from below. There were several large holes which were easily accessible, allowing them to escape through them.
Once they had left the underground tunnels, they continued their journey through the forest until they arrived at the borders of the capital. However, something unexpected happened when they reached the border gates.
After they entered the capital city, she found herself surrounded by a crowd of people whom she didn't know.
She didn't expect that there would be so many people in the capital. Moreover, she hadn't noticed anyone following them in the dark because it was impossible for anyone who didn't have the ability to see in the dark to follow them. Even Li An was unaware of that.
Li An seemed to know something, however. When they entered the town, she called for him, saying that they might be followed by someone. Thus he ordered his men to stay alert and prepare to kill the person who was following them as soon as he found him.
That's when the two of them suddenly encountered the people who kidnapped Yuliang and the others. "Xiomi you should rest first your condition is still not recovered enough to fight. Why don't we just get a doctor?" Said the young man standing in front of her to the other woman who was beside him and was holding a sword.
"No need to waste my time arguing with you. You can do whatever you want once you've captured me!" replied Xiong Fei angrily.
Suddenly, Qiaofeng sensed someone approaching and looked over to find out what was going on. She saw two people walking toward her and Xiong Fei at a distance. One of them had green hair that extended beyond their heads and was holding a dagger that appeared to be extremely sharp. The other one was wearing golden dragon robes that made him look extremely magnificent, giving off an aura of great authority and nobility.
After seeing the people in front of her, Qiaofeng was startled by the two of them. They both possessed extraordinary abilities. Since she hadn't seen them yet, she didn't realize that they were powerful experts. Although she knew that they were powerful experts, she had never expected for them to be this powerful. Their martial techniques seemed to have surpassed most of the cultivators in the world. Furthermore, their powers of observation seemed to surpass those of ordinary people. Qiaofeng realized that they were very strong, especially since both of them could sense where she was at an incredibly quick pace.
Looking at them "I'm fine, the wound isn't that bad oh yeah what about the strategy to destroy the remaining rebels" explained Xiomi with a bandage on his chest.
Qiaofeng nodded to show that she understood and turned to ask her older sister Xiaohui, "Elder Sister, are they really strong? If they aren't, how did they manage to capture Xian Zi Ya?"
Xiao Ning'er looked slightly puzzled, "Of course they're strong." Before she said anything else, Li An walked forward and answered her question, "Your younger sister isn't lying. We're both very strong so if I were them, I wouldn't hesitate to take both of us prisoner!" With that, he walked past Xiong Fei and Xiomi, leavingbehind the two of them alone to talk.
As soon as the three of them were gone, Xiong Fei said, "Xiomi, if you think I'm injured because I'm weak, you should know what kind of person I am. How could I possibly give up after you saved my life? It isn't my fault that I'm not as strong as I'd like to be."
Although she felt a bit guilty for having doubted him in the past, Xiong Fei insisted that there wasn't anything wrong with his condition. However, she also began to feel a bit worried about him since she suspected that he didn't want to hide his injury. He was probably feeling very uncomfortable right now. "You are stubborn, Xiomi, why don't you want to listen, your condition hasn't recovered yet "You are stubborn, Xiomi, why don't you want to listen, your condition hasn't recovered yet" Shika asked looking at his best friend "You Cheng Ho and Qiaofeng hatched a plan for you to be thrown into jail to expose the rebels" Xiomi answered curtly looking back at Shika.

Xiomi the warlord of the Ming Dynasty Where stories live. Discover now