Blade/Kenji's Last Student

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Ironbreaker: Chain

An application of Ironbreaker unique to Fei Wangfang's version of the Niko Style, Ironbreaker: Chain (鉄てっ砕くだ・連つらね, Tessai Tsunare), as the name implies, is a continuous barrage of Ironbreaker enhanced strikes. Wangfang demonstrates this as a counter to Takeshi's attempt to throw him out of his hold

Iron Fingers

Iron Fingers (鉄てっ指し, Tesshi) is a technique that involves tightening the muscles in the fingers thereby hardening the joints of the fingers. This is an extremely versatile technique and can be used as a jabbing attack against the opponent's vitals, as a pinching hold or even to enable movement of the fingers even if they are broken.

It is presumed that this technique is related to the Pierce technique of the Gaoh Style.

Bone Binding

Bone Binding (抱ほう骨こつ, Hōkotsu) is the ultimate technique of the Adamantine Kata. Using precise and delicate muscle control, the user is able to move body parts where a bone has been broken. This technique appears to be one of the many Kaiwan Style techniques transferred over, as Kuroki Gensai demonstrated the same technique when his entire right fist was broken.

The Flame Kata (火か天てんの型かた, Katen no Kata; lit. "Heavenly Fire Form") is centered around movement and positioning, giving the user incredible speed and agility.


Flashfire (火ひ走ばしり, Hibashiri) is a style of movement that allows for the user to flicker like a flame. This technique is able to confuse the enemy by creating afterimages.[14]

Phantom Pace

Phantom Pace (幽ゆう歩ほ, Yūho) is a technique where user quickly sidesteps at the moment right before their opponent's attack, causing the opponent to think that their attack phased right through them.[15]

Raging Fire

Raging Fire (烈れっ火か, Rekka) is a sprinting technique that is performed after digging their toes into the ground, allowing them to accelerate at unthinkable speeds.[16]


The ultimate technique of Flame Kata, Earth-Shriking (縮しうく地ち, Shukuchi) with the essence of the technique laying in "standing on one's bones alone" without the use of the muscles. It relies on shifting one's center of gravity to move, with its "interval" visibly different from regular motions. It yields the illusion that the user is backstepping and the distance between the user and the opponent suddenly shrinking.

The Redirection Kata (操そう流りゅうの型かた, Sōryū no Kata; lit. "Flow Control Form")[18] involves seeing and manipulating the "flow of power", using minimal motions to turn the opponent's attacks against them. As a result, this kata requires incredible kinetic vision and delicate physical control.

Weeping Willow

The most basic move of the Redirection Kata, Weeping Willow (柳やなぎ, Yanagi) alters the trajectory of their opponent's attack by redirecting their flow of power.[19] In this manner, the user can make their opponent's attacks miss as well as make an opponent lose their balance, allowing an opening for an attack.

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