"Oli?" Jo cut the silence, cupping my cheek.

I happily pressed into his touch and glanced at him through my lashes. A warm smile and bright eyes stared at me as he rubbed his thumb along my cheekbone.

"You don't have to call them to wish them a happy anniversary. If I'm being honest, they don't deserve it," Jo admitted.

"Oh, trust me, I know they don't deserve it. They also don't deserve to hear from me after what happened last year's family day. Did I tell you about that one?" He shook his head, "you might want to sit down for this one."

Jo sat on the edge of the bed, almost bracing himself for my epically catastrophic storytime.

"Dad was drunk when I arrived, and Mom yelled at him again. We sat around the table and prepared our plates when supper time came. Mom passed me the mashed potatoes, and Dad went off. He started yelling at my mom that she should have passed him the potatoes first, not me because he was more hungry and shit. Then dessert came, and he ate the whole fucking cake and glared at me through it all. When I went to leave, Mom asked me if any of the food was good, and I said yes, but then she assumed I was lying and went off, so I decided to leave as quickly as possible. I haven't talked to them since." Jo adverted his gaze and rubbed his face.

"So we're not having them over any time soon?" He asked, which made me laugh.

"No. They don't even know I'm living with you, let alone in your parent's old house." Jo shook his head and stood, standing inches from me.

"You're crazy. But in a good way," he admitted, pecking my nose. I giggled and hugged him tight.

The moment was cut short when a doorbell rang across the house, alerting both of us. I stared at Jo, confused as can be. He gently cupped my hand and led me down to the kitchen. The front door was not far; I could see it from my spot as Jo walked towards it. He opened the door, my mom and dad awkwardly standing before Jo. My chest tightened, and my stomach flipped when my mom's eyes landed on me. I did not want to see them right now. It's still too soon.

My mom started for me, but Jo swiftly placed his arm out to stop her. She stared at him with confusion, her brows knitted. My father stepped forward, inches from Jo, a snarl painted on his face.

"I'm sorry, but Oliver doesn't want to see you right now," Jo pointed out, earning a tsk.

"What the hell do you mean?" My dad yelled, his finger jabbing into Jo's bare chest.

I frowned and cautiously approached the situation, my hands rubbing Jo's back to calm him as I could feel him vibrate.

"He means I don't have anything to say to you. I don't know if you two have noticed, but lately, you haven't been much of a parent to me," I said, glaring at both of them, "I haven't recognized you and Dad since I was eight. You started acting differently, and Dad began drinking like a fucking fish."

"Watch your tone! Your mother has been there for you through a lot." My dad roared, reaching for me past Jo, but Jo pushed him back.

"You need to leave, or I'm calling the cops," Jo spat, keeping his hand on my dad's chest.

Mom's hand reached out to me as she cupped my cheek, a warm but fake smile on her face.

"You know I'm here whenever you-" she started.

"Are you mom? Are you there for me when I need you? Because I've been feeling lonely for years now, and it's only thanks to Jo that I'm still alive! Yeah! He fucking saved me from getting kidnapped by some pedophile while you guys were out gallivanting and getting drunk and only caring about your fucking selves again!" I didn't expect to be yelling, but there was so much anger inside me that I longed to rid myself of it, and it felt amazing to let it out.

"Next time you want to care so much about me, remember all the shit you put me through. Smacking me when I did nothing wrong, yelling, throwing shit, bullying me! Think about all those times I didn't deserve to be treated like you've treated me for years!"

They stood frozen on our porch, mouth agape as they listened to me rant and rave about what they put me through. My father had genuine tears in his eyes. I've never seen him cry the way I saw him today. And my mom could barely stand, like everything I was saying hit her like waves crashing against boulders.

"You need to leave," Jo managed, slamming the door shut and turning to face me.

I could feel myself slowly crumbling, and before falling to my knees, Jo hoisted me into his arms and hugged me tightly to his chest. He hushed soothing words and praised me for being the person I am. He reminded me how much he loves me and will not let anything hurt me. For once in my life, I've felt open to being better.

There was no more hatred, no more sadness inside of me. I felt open to being calm and having a sense of stability I could not imagine myself having before I fell for Jo. It's all thanks to him I can finally breathe.

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