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( house elves and Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration )

HERMIONE HEARD MILO BEFORE she saw him, it was as if she had memorized the soft sound his steps make on the floor.

She saw him approach her. His shoulders and jaw seemed to relax a bit after he had scanned the area for anyone else. Though his body was more relaxed than it usually was, Hermione still noticed that the way he walked was unusual. It held something elegant how he just walked at a steady speed, his body upright and looking only in front of him, not getting distracted by anything else as he watched his goal with his head held high; and that goal was she, Hermione Granger.

Milo came to a halt and once again looked around them, noticing that the wall was just that, a wall. No door appearing out of nowhere, nothing even giving a hint to what lies beyond this wall.

"Hello," he spoke, looking at Hermione.

Hermione cleared her throat, realizing that maybe, she had been staring at him a bit too much. "Hi!"

There was a short silence between them, both not really sure what they should talk about now.

Was this not a strange situation? Two strangers standing opposite each other, both feeling like they had known the other for a long time, though also feeling as if this was the first conversation of two friends after having grown apart.

Milo decided that today, he would take the lead and ask the girl more about herself, though before that he had to get in the safety of the mysterious room. "You said you knew how to make the door appear again?" It sounded less like a question, more like a statement, as everything Milo said.

Hermione got back to earth and finally responded quite enthusiastically, "Yup, I asked a friend about it and apparently it appears whenever you need something. I guess we just needed a room to hide in and it appeared."

Milo nodded, looking at the wall. "Sounds interesting."

"Yeah, it really is," Hermione looked at the wall with amazement in her eyes. "Apparently you just have to walk three times by the wall and imagine what you need or want and then the door should appear."

Milo looked at her, not really believing her. He knew that he was a wizard and that the impossible was possible but a room like this existing in a school of all places seemed a bit far-fetched. "Then you try it out."

Hermione looked at him, her confidence faltering a bit at his skeptical look, but she knew that Dobby wouldn't lie to her, so she just started walking, recalling the room they had seen before, just adding some small changes to it. As she came to a halt the wall didn't move, nothing seemed to change.

Suddenly small lines appeared on the wall, spreading across it, drawing small circles, stars and spirals on it until it stopped and a silver doorknob appeared.

They both stood there for a second, admiring the beauty of the door, then they reached for the doorknob. Their hands touched and it was as if the stars on the door started shimmering but the light faded once again as they recoiled, apologizing.

Milo once again took a hold of the doorknob and opened the door, motioning for Hermione to enter before him, after all it was she who had created this room.

As he followed her inside he was once again amazed by the coziness of this room, he was used to cold rooms, decorated only with antiques and expensive things. No room he had ever seen could rival this room in its beauty.

The bookshelf with the colorful spines and the books that were just thrown on it, not put back in the initial position the book was in. The fairy lights that gave the room a soft lightning and the comfortable sofa and beanbags.

AMOR VINCIT OMNIA; GRANGERWhere stories live. Discover now