13. losing my cool

Start from the beginning

of course whenever i got the chance to be talking to my man i did. We were on facetime while my sisters was roaming around neimans looking to spend whatever.

I already went over my limit of spending on myself and hassan and the number was quite high so David was a good distraction.

"Before i forget i'm inviting you and your sisters to the album release party next weekend" he was focused on the road but the side view of his face was all i really needed to see.

His beard was growing in and his skin was so clear and soft. If i could i would just lick him up.

"ok, what time is it? i might have to clear my bookings"

"it's gone be at like 10 or 11" he cleared his throat and i nodded

"well i should be fine then so i'll come-"

"you was coming anyways" he finally looked into the camera with a grin.

"oh really?" i chuckled and he nodded


"what's the attire like?" i rubbed my lips together

"you do yo usual dressing up so whatever you think is best" he was back focused on the road.

"ooh nicki look at this motherfucking bag" tori scurried her way to where i was sitting.

"uh un" i turned my head away before getting a good glance. "every time you tell me to look at something i end up buying it and i done already spent 10,000 or more on me and hassan just in the couple hours i been with you bitches" i continued to hold my head in a different direction.

she sucked her teeth "all of a sudden bitches wanna save" i eventually turned to see her walking away.

"what yo ass get for 10 bands?" david chuckled into the phone

"mainly shoes, clothes and important stuff" i informed him causing him to suck his teeth

"you should've waited till this weekend i could've handled that for you" he looked into the camera again.

"boy i'll go return all this shit right now" i replied jokingly.

"nah, we can just double it" he broke out into laughter.

"mm, i did pass up on a few things" i smiled softly

"i bet you did"

"since the album is done does this mean you aren't busy later?" i changed the subject instantly being that this was something i've been meaning to ask

"we going on a date tonight" he looked into the camera before it looked like he was getting out of the car.

it was confirmed once the door shut and the sky was his background.

"really? this a first im hearing of this"

"cause i gotta put my foot down or yo little anti social ass would be ina crib sleep"

"ok whatever" my eyes rolled

"man look who in here" david quickly flipped his camera. "hassan what the hell you doing here at the smoke shop?" david's focus was no longer on me but his question raised a few concerns.

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