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Third person's point of view.

After telling Mia everything Snow knew or could remember, the two of them would figure out ways to spend time together unbothered and unseen. They were almost caught once, but Mia's quick thinking saved them, as she made it look like she was asking a homework question. After that they made extra sure not to be found by anyone they didn't want to see them together. School work picking up,

Had the two of them so busy that it was almost impossible to have a moment alone. With Dumbledore running from Fudge and Umbridge, the position of Headmaster was left open for Umbridge to take over. Students were starting to beg Snow to take over and save them from the blood quill that Umbridge used on the students in her detentions. When word had gotten to Snow that a lot of the new first years students,

Were being targeted, Umbridge didn't like that the tall student had barged into her office after classes and slammed the door closed behind her. "You want to pick on someone your own size, and not some terrified first years?" She snapped the woman took a long moment to just breathe, "T-that's very disrespectful of you to barge into my office without knocking." She said with a slight stutter. "I'll show you disrespectful, answer my question." She snapped.

"If you mean you by saying a person my own size, then no, but I'll humor you," she started. Snow scoffed, "You're playing with fire you ugly pink toad," she insulted which had the woman gasping in shock at her, "That shouldn't surprise you idiot." Snow said. "I'm only going to warn you once, leave now, or suffer the consciences." Snow said. When she finished her threat, she stormed out and slammed the door behind her,

Possible knocked several cat coasters and saucers off the wall. What the dumb woman didn't know was that Snow had used her magic on the pens in the woman's desk. Breaking them beyond repair, even with magic. And should she be able to fix them, Snow cursed them too only work on Umbridge, so should a student use the pens, they would mark the owner instead of them. As Snow was leaving the room, she heard the woman scream.

Which made Snow smile. Finding Eva, Snow told her in their secret language, what she'd done and the younger girl snickered softly. When Snow left, Eva turned to Draco who was looking confusingly between the two of them, before Snow left, and asked, "What was that about" Eva smiled and Draco's heart raced. "It won't be much longer, before Umbridge is gone and Snow's back in the DADA position."

Then Draco nodded understanding now what was going on... sort of.


After getting everyone to owl home about what Umbridge had been doing to them, the parents bombarded the Ministry. Fudge was forced to separate his image from the one he shared with Umbridge and she was arrested for child abuse and endangerment, among other things. With this, Tsia worked her way into the Headmaster position, Tom took over DADA. Though Tsia only held the position so that when she switched with McGonagall,

Everything was organized and set up in a way that would benefit the Deputy Headmistress. And once the switch was done, Tsia would take over History of Magic. While someone was hired to be the new Transfiguration's professor. It was like things were bound to go themselves. With Hogwarts back in a proper set up without certain people in powerful positions, doing things other than running and looking after a school full of students and staff.

With McGonagall in place and no where for Dumbledore to come back to the old man would be forced to do his plans away from the sanctity of the school. The students didn't need a headmaster who wasn't thinking of them. McGonagall would always put her students first, regardless. Snow would then be able to return to being a student. Even though a lot of the students wanted her to teach again, she had other things to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2023 ⏰

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